Hello! I'm a plant based eater, and suffering what are some good refeeding options for a prolonged fast.
How likely is it that I’ll get it? I fasted from about 10PM on Wednesday to 8AM today (Friday), and have had 500kcal so far today. Can I eat a normal amount of calories today, or should I stop eating?...
This is my first extended fast. Should refeeding be something to worry about after a 5 day fast? I’ve done 48s and had no problems eating a huge meal after , but should I take it slower with 5 days?...
I am coming off a 7-day fast in 7 hours. I want to eat tomatoes for my first meal. Is this ok?
I see people often discussing one strategy or the other, but haven’t been able to find much info about the benefits or fallbacks for each. How do you decide which method to use? Is this primarily a way to maintain...
Almost done with a 7 day juice cleanse. What foods should i refeed with? And for how long? A general timeline would be great. Thanks
I'd like to do an extended water fast, but hate telling my friends (cause we know how people can be). So I'm thinking I could eat only on the days they've invited me out to eat, which could be...
Hey y’all, like the title says, I’m wondering if there is a general “length” of an extended fast that one can’t just eat a regular meal to break the fast, instead of easing back in? 3 days? 4? 5? 7? Thank...
Anyone have any advice for breaking my fast? I've been on a 7 day water fast, taking no electrolytes or anything like that. I've just been drinking water. I'm a little worried about refeeding and ending up...
Anyone else feel like crap after refeeding? I completed a 7 day fast then refed 2 nights ago. All day yesterday and most of today while back to eating I’ve felt super brain foggy, bad mood and low energy. I...
I might do another post regarding my experience, but I currently have a question. My initial refeeding plan was changed a little bit and I had some grapes. I'm not really concerned about my body's reaction to it, but someone commented...
Hello all! I am currently on my first 60hr water fast. Do I need to be careful around refeeding with such a short fast? All the information I am finding online seems to address longer fasts. Any guidance is appreciated!...
tomorrow will be my 7th day of fasting. i’ve done two 5 day fasts before and didn’t eat carefully afterwards, didn’t have any referring symptoms. i heard it’s all due to how many electrolytes are in your body before you...
Need some guidance
Hi I’m on day four of my five day fast. I do plan on reducing my carbs, but I have no intention of counting carbs (I’m cutting out bread, rice , pasta , and things like that but still...
So im moving to a schedule of 72 hour fast-1 refeed day-back into 72 hour fast, repeat. does my refeed day sort 'reset' all my nutrients so i wont have to be concerned with refeeding super carefully like one would after...
Title says it all.
Hello people of r/fasting ! First of all, I want to thank all of you for getting me motivated to start a fasting routine. Tomorrow morning I am finishing my first ever 48h fast (I am doing 5:2 fasting) and...
I was wondering is it better to eat at night, let body recover from fast and then workout in the morning, or eat in the morning and go to gym soon after eating? Also, how long should I recover after...
Hi all. I had an adverse reaction to propecia (hair loss drug) and have a had a bunch of symptoms after stopping, called post-finasteride syndrome. I spoke with a fellow sufferer and he said that fasting frequently has helped his...
I’ve been intermittent fasting for a few months and have done a few extended fasts of 2-3 days. I’ve been wanting to do an extended 10+ day fast for awhile now and just started it today. My concern is regarding...
Gonna start with a spoonful of olive oil as ive seen that suggested alot then an hour later some greek yogurt and some fermented veg such as pickled onions/olives/beetroot then for dinner I’m gonna have some steamed broccoli, carrots and...
Started refeed with fruit juice and a protein ball. Its been two hours and it wont go away. Its really intense and i cant lie down. Anyone experienced this? Do i need to eat something in particular?
I’m doing my longest fast of 6 days. I’ve tried to search here for what the refreshing process would be for this long of a fast. Can anyone give me some pointers?
I got my doctor to send a blood work requisition form and I asked her to include sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphate, and thiamine. She sent one with everything (except for thiamine), and also added HbA1C, creatinine, ALT, albumin, CBC, calcium,...
**GOOD NEWS,** I believe I was getting concerned reading about the "refeeding syndrome" dangers and considering ending my fast early. After a LOT of research I found 'CALCIUM PHOSPHORUS" by 'Wonderlabs." I believe it will be a great help...
I broke a 63 hour fast I was going for 72 but was behind on my electrolytes) with a bottle of Gatorade. I feel like I made a terrible mistake drinking that much sugar after fasting. I was feeling light...
I read through the Wiki on this subreddit and it covers refeeding syndrome I didn’t see a section about recommendations on refeeding when it’s time to break an extended fast. From my understanding slowly reintroduce healthy fats and a small...
Hello everybody at r/fasting. I want to start fasting but I’m a bit paranoid about refeeding syndrome. Is there any rules to go by to avoid it happening? Crazy that eating too much after a fast can cause death.
I'm about to complete my first ever 7 day dry fast and I want to be sure that I refeed as safely as possible so I'm looking towards people who have more experience to show me the way. I've bought...
Due to my unique situation i can't really get my hands on any mineral water or special salts or any of that. So how long can i reallistically go without having to worry too much? I've gotten very close to...
Hey guys, I just discovered the snake diet and have prepared the ingredients for the snake juice but since I've never cooked anything in my life I'm not sure what meals to refeed with. I know the advice of a...
I did my first longer fast (3.5 days) a month ago. I was careful on the first evening re feed (started with broth, then some fish etc). But i didn’t follow the rule to re feed for half...
I’ve seen different suggestions when it comes to this and was wondering what the best way to go was. Here’s what I’ve found and wonder if it’s a good process to follow. Day 1-4 - bone/vegetable broth, protein smoothies, fermented...
I know most of the posts on here are about fasting, but I think the refeeding is just as important so I wanted to post what I'm doing on my non-fast days. I just completed my 2nd 60 hour fast...
I have 1 hour left on my 72 hour fast and I feel phenomenal! I've done several 3 day fasts in the past but never anything more than that. I guess my real question is when do I have to...
How do you guys manage your carb intake after refeeding, following a fast where you've depleted glycogen and reached ketosis? I feel like the few days after my fast haven't gone very smoothly, I've been very lethargic and tired. I have...
I've been fasting for weight loss, and I was wondering, if I were to extend the fast for longer than 7 days, how do I go about refeeding when I do stop? I want to keep the weight I lost...
Hi, so I've been doing intermittent fasting daily for months. And I do a 48 every Sunday to Tuesday. During the 48 I drink electrolytes (salt, no salt and magnesium, with a cap full of ACV usually) like 3 times...
This sunday night (at 10 pm) I am starting my first 7 day dry fast. One month ago I completed a 4 day dry fast and felt great (my throat and mouth were wet too), but I did have to...
So basically im 500lbs (226.7 kg) and i want to do rolling 5’s with 2 days off to refeed. I’ve been seeing so many opinions on how to refeed but what should I honestly do. I really want to lose...
I just completed my first 5 day fast. I was feeling really good and could have kept going but decided to end it just because the longest I had done prior was only 48 hrs and didnt want to over...
Hi guys, experienced long dryfasters! l have a very big problem with the refeeding after a longer, 7, 9 to 12, days dryfast, wich i have done before. Every time I ended with huge edema in my legs,...
I read the wiki and it was just too complicated for me to get my head around. Best I could deduce was its kinda like an insulin shock. What I couldn't figure out is at what point you're at risk...
I just ended an extended fast and I've been slowly sipping vegetable broth but I threw up about 2 hours ago and also with some bile . I was wondering if that was normal. Ive been drinking some luke warm...
Gonna start with a spoonful of olive oil as ive seen that suggested alot then an hour later some greek yogurt and some fermented veg such as pickled onions/olives/beetroot then for dinner I’m gonna have some steamed broccoli, carrots and...
So basically im 500lbs (226.7 kg) and i want to do rolling 5’s with 2 days off to refeed. I’ve been seeing so many opinions on how to refeed but what should I honestly do. I really want to lose...
On Friday I completed a 6-day soft dry fast and I wanted to share my results. I'm also welcoming any ideas on how I can improve my results in my next fasts. ​ **Background** First off, I'd like to say that I have...
TL;DR: one day refeeding with 3000-6000 kcal with sometimes half of that coming from sugar doesn't undo the benefits of fasting for me. I did OMAD with keto 3 years ago for 3-4 months with weight training. I lost ~10 kg...
Should one Water 💧 Fast before starting a Prolonged Dry Fast.
Do you take normal vitamins during a fast or skip them?
I learned that refeeding syndrome is due to lack of electrolytes. But since I will be getting sodium, magnesium and potassium.. Will refeeding syndrome be an issue after a fast of like 21 data minimum? What about 15 days...
Just wondering about any good vegan options for a refeed after 7 day fast. Got a vegan friend that wants to give it a go. My go to after a longer fast is usually bone broth, don't think she'll go for...
Can i take supplements with fasting? I am thinking about multivitamin + magnesium and also maybe some caffeine?? I have some eczema problems and i want to see if fast will help. But i also need energy cause i have 2...
Hi! In my previous post I talked about how I recently did my longest fasts yet. I resumed my normal eating patterns (except that I'm gonna be in ketosis for some days) and starting feeling better. The thing is, even two...
Sooooo it's now Monday 2AM and technically my 7 day fast ends in exactly 23 hours on Thursday 1AM. I am NOT planning to stay up as late as I did today, so: • first option : break my fast today(Monday)...
I'm planning on water fasting to lose around 20 pounds in 22 days in time for Christmas Eve. Would I be able to lose that much? Would it be safe to do cardio or weight lifting to speed up the...
Hi all, i have a question regarding wether i can Water fast this way: Let’s say my fast starts after my lunch, and after 48 hours my Water fast is over, can i eat lunch and then start my fast again?...
I fasted for six days, consuming zero calories over that time. I supplemented with electrolytes during the second half. Broke my fast at midnight last night with chicken and veg broth and a poached egg. Also took B vitamins and more...
I'm currently at 32hrs but I aim to do 4 days dry fast minimum. How would you break a 4 day dry fast? I've done multiple 1-3 day dry fasts before but I thought that maybe 4 days needs a...
I was feeling fantastic after my first 64 hour fast last week. Had a 44 hour fast this week but had carby food yesterday and today and feeling foggy tired and super sleepy. Is it the carbs? Is...
Still feeling pretty good, I don't have to break unless I want to. SW was around 195 and CW is around 170. I was thinking of breaking and doing another 14 day fast if I really felt like it later...
Dear, my 5th day is quite finished and all is going very well. I am seriously considering going up to at least 11 days. My old record was 6.5 / 7 days after which I started eating almost normally after about 12...
If anyone could help me please with the following questions too? - how to return to eating? - do I need to take electrolytes? TIA ✨
I've read different things online. Curious what you all think from personal experience. I'm water fasting to lose weight. How much time is good between extended fasts? Like a fast of a week or so for example, how much time...
I’m on day 4 of my dry fast and while other people talk about feelings of euphoria, I feel horrible and so weak. People talk about the skin benefits but I feel like I’m getting tiny pimples and my skin...
I'm about to hit Day 9. Still not certain on how far I'll go, but I'm going to go as long as I can. Wish me luck!
In a row, or maybe fast, break the fast, fast again? In general how many pounds of real weight do you lose per day of water fasting?
I plan to start a water fast tomorrow morning (Wednesday morning) and this is my first fast. I will not break the fast until Saturday morning, but I plan on attending a party on Saturday night and there will be...
I broke a 43 hour fast with 1000 calories worth of granola, soy yogurt, fruit and oreos which I know was stupid. During my fast I didn’t take any electrolyte supplements or drink enough water. Now I have really bad...
So I am about to break a 10-day fast, and am well prepared for it to avoid refeeding syndrome. After doing some research it seems 10 kcal per kg of body fat should do the trick and this works out...
Tomorrow I will be ending a 96 hour fast. I don’t want to go any longer because I have some intense workout training coming up. How important is the food I am going to eat after the fast? What is...
I’ve been doing 24 to 26 hour fasts for about 2 weeks, I just reached 51 hours and I want to eat! Can I have some steak with broccoli, kale and avocado? I really need advice, I know it isn’t...
I have done 4-6 days fasts in the past and broken sometimes with an unhealthy amount of junk food, not the best I know but I’ve never had any issues and often do IF and Keto and keep in generally...
So I ended my 72 hr fast yesterday and before I ate, I sipped on some bone broth and started my meal (chicken, broccoli, cauliflower rice, butter, soy sauce) and felt genuinely full. But not only that, by the end...
Hi! I really want to try a 10 day water fast. I need to lose about 50-60 lbs and figured if I do a few 10 day water fasts intermittently with OMAD lifestyle I should be able to do that...
Fasting is mostly 10-12 days with a 2-5 day break. Started with a 6 day fast and worked up. This suits me. I planned it around social occasions. I guess I am a dirty faster, as I take my electrolytes...
I am almost done my very first seven day fast for weight loss. However, while researching and seeing other peoples feedback I’ve noticed people tend to gain their lost weight back. So my question is, would a diet plan such...
Hi do you think I can loose 30lbs in 21 days if I dry fast for 14 and water fast for the rest of the 7 days I’ve dry fasted before longest I’ve done is 6 days and longest water...
Today is day 6 out of 5, im fasting longer than I originally planned. What should i eat and should not?
Hi guys, brand new to this. Had a couple questions, any help appreciated! 1. During a dry fast is it ok to have a LITTLE water or Zero sugar Zero calorie Gatorade once or twice a day? 2. What are all...
For those on the carnivore diet, how does dry fasting work for you? I’m thinking of changing my diet to a carnivore diet as I’ve heard/read many testimonials of positive changes that are happening in peoples live since switching to a...
Going to start a 7 day dry fast tom. My goal I weight 297lb at 5’7 i wanna drop to 260. Can i do it at rest or do i have to push at the gym ? If you’ve done this before...
I am planning on doing a 7 day water on Monday, 2/14 to 2/21. Wish me luck guys!
I’m 5’10 200 lbs This will be a soft dry fast I will take showers/baths I have done water and dry fast in the past I won’t be working out during this fast My goal weight is 160 lbs
Doing rolling 72s and refeeding with 1000c keto food but not swallowing it? Just chewing and feeling the taste and spitting it out. Anyone tried this?
So basically I have been doing 72hr fasts for the past 2 weeks. This time around though on day 2 I couldn’t stop myself and had a handful of peanuts. (Maybe like 10 peanuts? Not sure lol) Did I just break...
If I water fast for 10 days, what kind of weight loss and waist reduction could I expect? I’m 5’10” and 245 with a 41” waist.