I always cave in and can’t complete the first 48 because of this. Any advice?
If I feel hungry I associate that exact feeling with that right now the body is scraping the fat off and that’s why it hurts a little bit, works wonders. So simply associate a bad feeling with something positive 😊
Don’t do anything you associate with eating. Idle hands are the devil’s playthings. Clean something, do an art project, read something, manscape/ womanscape your body, trim your nails, meditate. If all else fails, just get sucked into Reddit for awhile….
Honestly I’ve been rolling 48s and the first 48 was so so hard, you literally have to just keep distracting yourself and chug SJ when your stomach is rumbling at you lol
After the first 48 it’s easier, a lot easier
Mind. Emotions. Body.
Your mind is telling you that “you’ll die if you don’t eat”. You WILL NOT die.
You emotions “feel” like you’re going to die if you don’t eat. You WILL NOT die.
You’re body is actually NOT hungry.
Carry on.
Do a few pickups… maybe some crunches and go for a small walk.
separate the body feeling of being hungry from the your mind whos telling yourself “its not real” and realize your body doesnt have to listn to the mind. and then go watch TV and drink some snake juice. its all mental.