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Anyone else get really tired after breaking a fast?

feel great while finishing the fast, regardless of how long, maybe it’s work pre-occupying my mind, but my first meal always sends me into sleepy mode, no matter what it is. Sometimes I have cottage cheese and a mint tea (lightly sweetened with honey only) or eggs and 1/2 muffin, i’ll pick at a rotisserie chicken as I drive home, buy a piece of grilled salmon. or twice a week this protein goo I make: 1 scoop muscle milk, i scoop choc protein, some cocoa powdr (unsweeteed), some canned pumpkin , frozen blueberries a few chopped walnuts and either pumpkin butter or olive oil. man 1/2 hour after I want to take a nap sooo bad. Getting a physical next week, hopefully my bloodwork will shed some light on my fasting insulin, glucose and t-levels.

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This only happens to me if I eat a sugary meal when I finish my fast. Usually I end my fast at home around 4/5pm after work if I am doing 20:4, but somedays I do 18:6 and will have a little snack at work before I leave. Someone brought in a lot of treats so I thought eh why not and had a few pieces of chocolate and some fruit (I did stay clear of the cookies and pastries)…oof was I tired driving home. I didn’t want to cook when I got home, just take a nap.


I get tired too. My glucose while still in a 22 hour fast was 75. This constant cycling is kind of hard on your body I think. Got really dehydrated after alternating 24 hour fasts for a week too. Think it’s important to ease into things and make sure ur not putting ur body into too much stress from the shock of not having as much food as usual.

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