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Are frozen vegetables a bad choice?


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there’s a pretty popular argument that frozen veggies/fruits are best because they’re flash frozen at the peak of their ripeness and not picked prematurely as to not spoil before you bring them home.

i prefer fresh tho


Never. They are actually fresher than “fresh vegetables” as they are picked when ripe, so to speak. There’s indication they may have more nutrients than fresh veggies and fruit.

Also, you don’t have to worry about them expiring! I always get frozen produce.


Most don’t know that frozen vegetables are fresher and way less degraded than what’s in produce. It’s because they are frozen right after picked. The veggies we get in produce get picked, processed, packaged, transported long distance, then put in the store. By that point the “freshness” has gone downhill as well as nutritional value. I love to do frozen veggies in the oven, laid out on a pan, olive oil over them, salt, pepper and any variety of spices/garlic/etc. Roasted tastes the best vs. in a pot. Also when you freeze anything you slow down the process of denaturing. The proteins can’t move as fast under those temperatures and so you slow down the process of aging.


No. frozen vegetables are never a bad choice.

Broccoli TASTES better fresh because when vegetables are frozen, ice crystals form in the cells and rupture the cells, making their contents come spilling out when they’re thawed, resulting in limp vegetables (for some things, like peas and corn, this isn’t terribly noticeable). The cells are ruptured, but the stuff remains inside the broccoli. It just has less structure.

That said, from a nutrition point of view, frozen vegetables are picked when they’re ripe and at their nutritional prime, so what you’re getting is probably better than the “fresh” you’re getting at the store (which was picked early so it could survive shipping, and ripened en-route, sometimes by artificial means). Unless you’re buying local vegetables from a farmer’s market or from a garden. Those will be the best.


No absolutely not, they’re a great choice.

Freezing veg actually helps lock in vitamins and minerals that are lost through transportation, handling and ageing.

Additionally if you have a supply in your freezer you aren’t losing money on them going bad, because you forgot to use them on time and you have a higher chance or actually eating them if this is a problem for you.

Fresh is great too, but there’s nothing wrong with frozen!

Edit: just read the rest of the comments and it seems pretty unanimous!


Frozen is absolutely a good choice. They are often better than fresh, depending on where you live, because they are picked fresh and flash frozen.

Much of the fresh supply is picked early, then transported and stored, then artificially ripened before going to sales floors to prevent spoilage during transport and warehousing.


From my experience, I get more crispy results from frozen vegs. But I get better taste from fresh vegs, and fresh always will be the best choice from a nutricional perspective.

Latest studies shown that if you use frozen vegetables you still being ok, just steamable bags being a better choice.


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