Are steamed vegetables the same nutritionally as boiled ones? Or is there any nutritional benefit of steaming over boiling since both use water essentially to cook it and don't require oil to cook them?
I’m loving steamed vegetables, looking for some topping ideas. I usually just do butter and pepper, but getting kind of bored… I was thinking something like soy sauce? But it just has so much friggin sodium… thanks in advance for...
My understanding with whole grains like oats or wheat is, once the kernel is broken much of the nutrition is lost quickly as the oils oxidize over the following days. I know that commercially, raw oats are steamed when rolled...
Hi all, I’m 27M, 5’11, and have gone from about 230 lbs at my highest around 2 years ago, to about 163-165 now. Probably 3/4 of the loss was within the last 8 months or so using 16:8 with OMAD...
Which one is more nutritious ? (especially if one's considering losing body weight)
Since we won't require oil, the downside will be we won't get fat soluble vitamins. So can we apply oil to veggies before or after cooking to yield the benefits? Edit - By healthiest I mean, nutrient and vitamin retention and...
What is the temperature threshold that promotes proficient results when extracting nutrients from bones? Might the direct contact between the pots' base and the bones cause nutrition loss? If so, how significant would it be?
I'm curious if a decent amount of the vitamin C remains and which cooking methods preserve the most.
I’m curious about the nutritional differences between instant and traditional forms of oatmeal like steel cut and rolled oats.
I know that a lot of the time, frozen veggies have more nutrients than fresh ones because they were frozen as soon as they were picked instead of waiting in the store for days. What is the best way to...
Is there any truth behind microwaving destroying nutrients or is that completely made up?
Trying to switch to brown rice when you eat a lot of white rice can be hard, do you all have any brown rice types/brands/cooking methods that you swear by?
Or can I just have some broth for breakfast and go back to normal after?
I've just started on my 3 day fast and I'm already reaching past day 1 feeling pretty great, but what should I break my fast with when I'm done?
I know in Indian cooking we be adding lots of oil and butter, sometimes even frying em. Also is overcooking them till they’re soggy bad? I feel they taste better that way
I’ve been reading about this, and changing my cooking habits. Read all about it [ mTOR, glycotoxins and the parallel universe]( Basically, I’m pretty impressed by steaming various foods, especially delicate fish. Would love your ideas about your cooking methods
I’ve heard off and on over the years that cooked veggies hold no nutritional value. True or false?
hi! im a new starter doing alternative day fasting ! im in my in my 4th day now and i was wondering what are the best ways to break fast without my gut hurting me all day .
Just a simple question
[deleted] Technically the quick steel-cut oats take longer to cook, but the steel-cut oats definitely broke down in the water more than the rolled oats. The rolled oats didn’t break down much in the water.
What meals can I make if all I can do is boil water & use a toaster oven featuring an air fryer?
I have been eating things like tuna, eggs, chicken, and fish which is all ok because I like these foods. I dont really eat pork or beef. I'm having trouble with side dishes. I eat alot of roasted veggies but...
Hello all, I am curious what your tips are to make veggies more palatable without losing their nutrients?
ACEs I think they're called. Roasting is my fav but those black edges concern me. In case someone says don't wait that long, well it tastes undercooked if you don't
Ok I started 16:8 in august but lost no weight (60kg) so I started eating 2 meals instead of 1 in October so right now I am 58.5kg. The scale won’t go down no matter what. Normally you are supposed...
Follow up: what are some ways to cook vegetables to both preserve nutrients and make them yummy?
+0 I broke my fasting with tomato soup and steamed veggies. +4 hours after green tea and lettuce salad +12 hours (right now) I have severe hiccup and I am vomiting every couple hours. What did I do to my body?
I’ve been doing 4 day fasts for 3 weeks now. This week is the hardest so far. I am extremely tired and extremely cold. Wearing 3 pairs of socks and 2 sweaters at the moment. How to avoid being so...
Will eating food break my fast? Love the idea of fasting but was hoping to eat things too
Hey all, Is there a way to process or cook these or other cruciferous vegetables so that a person can digest them without trouble while gaining the nutrition? Would adding them to a smoothie help, possibly a juicer? ​ Though juicing doesn't...
Since magnesium content isn’t always listed, I want to be sure I’m buying the right frozen spinach. I worry some cooked/frozen spinach has been stripped of its nutritional content. Are there certain processing methods I should find or certain brands...
Hey everyone, I’m halfway through day 9 of a dry fast. Could you suggest ideas for cooling the body without putting water on it? So far I’ve really been enjoying the night air and moisture of the ground outside but not sure...
This is my first ever fast and I've lasted about 98 hours I plan for about 240 hours but if not 168 hours is fine. Just wondering what I should eat? I'm going to be following the fast 800cal diet...
Hi. I know after an extended dry fast with proper refeeding, the scale will show gain. Depending on the refeed, that would be water/liquid gain. But how can you ensure that.. after an extended fast and even with refeeding, you...
Iam on my 6th day of water fasting to heal my systemic inflammation . Iam gonna break my fast tomorrow , so any advices to break my fast will be great thanks .
What are some of your repeat meals? I like to mix up my dinner meals or weekend meals, but for lunch and afternoon snacks I typically have the same thing every day. Sometimes dinner too It’s out of pure laziness (convenience?) that...
Do you think is a good idea to boil pumpkin seeds for a long time for better digestion?
I just did a 41 hour dry fast and I wanted to jump right back into another dry fast right after. How long do you wait after you break a fast to start another dry fast?
I would like some advice on whether it is a good idea to weight train whilst I am on a 5 day water fast. I usually train 4-5 times a week followed by cardio. What would be suitable or should I...
The longest fast I've done was 73 hours. And when I broke it I ate healthy food and didnt get sick other than bloat. Today I just broke my 70 hour fast with non healthy Mexican food and immediately...
I’m trying to eat dinner only but can’t stop time watching and feeling hungry in the day. What’s everyone’s thoughts on getting through this and powering through until your meal?
I just finished a 44.5 hour extended fast. At hour 31 (just before sleeping for the night) I hydrated myself with some electrolytes fearing dehydration because my pee was very yellow and less flow. Woke up completely normal. Had another bottle...
What if I water fasted for 13 days then took a 15 gram edible?
When it comes to fried food, if I only eat the lighter part and remove the darker "crust"/outer layer (or whatever is the actual name for it), will it have less calories? Examples: [1)]( [2)]( [3)](
I read through the Wiki on this subreddit and it covers refeeding syndrome I didn’t see a section about recommendations on refeeding when it’s time to break an extended fast. From my understanding slowly reintroduce healthy fats and a small...
Hi, Trying IF again after it helped reduce my snacking but i fell off. I'm getting back into it and all is good so far. My question is that in the fasting window what can you have? I've...
I've googled calories of many protein sources . For eg it says that 100 g of beans has 350 cal but 100 gm of boiled beans has 165 cal. How is that possible? Also on boiling lentils, eggs or beans...
So I can only tolerate the fluffy top of broccoli. Is that the most nutritious part or is it the stem that holds the nutrients?
I hear that if you're someone who really rarely eats vegetables and fruits, that the nutribullet is something that could really benefit you since you're missing out on a lot of key health ingredients. I hear that apparently if you juice?...
I thought steelcut was the best on the GI index for slow release and should take 25-30min to prepare. However I see Quaker has steel cuts that take 3min to prepare? I’m confused!? What’s the scoop? TIA....
I am a regular consumer of oatmeal and after a lot of experimentation and misses, finally learned the correct way to make it edible. Last year, switched from quick to rolled variety and hope to upgrade to the steel cut variety...
I recall reading a lot of information years ago that rolled oats have more micronutrients than instant oats. But every article I read now claims that they're the same and they're quoting the same article from []( I am unable...
Which one is technically healthier? A raw almond, or a roasted almond with no salt?
The only things I can think of are dark chocolate and honey.
What are the healthiest foods to eat weekly? I like to have salmon, avocado, lots of veggies and fruits. Just wondering what is the most nutritional and Healthiest food to indulge and eat?
I am 36, m, 240 pounds and am at the start of my IF journey. I also have gout, high BP and high sugar levels so my doctor has told me I really need to get it right. 7 days...
I know they are hard as a rock, but can this be healthy in a way. Like, nutrients isn't boiled off when heating them up and they are like fresh vegetables in their prime state. Also it cleans the teeth...
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition]( feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
A lot of us need serious nutrition advice: We all know that we should raise our own food, make our own bread, etc. and that processed food is bad for us. But in the real world, if you're working and...
I was always taught that fresh or steamed veggies are healthier than boiled, as many nutrients break down from the heat and or are leeched out by the boiling process. Since the process of pasteurization uses high heat, wouldn’t some...
Im doing 16:8 and finding that I’m anywhere from 200 to 500+ calories below the 2000cal I wanted to be at daily. I find it hard to cook enough in my eating window and can’t really put a lot of...
With water fasting, introducing a small amount of food starts digestion, releases insulin, etc... and you are no longer in the fasted state. With (soft) dry fasting, does a large reduction in drinking water increase benefits, as your body will...
I (34F) did a 5 day fast to try to prepare my body and mind for an upcoming birthday (combined with mindful activities like meditation and journaling). I broke my fast at dinner with Sushi, and I have had an...
Today I found out literally no one I know also loves Brussels sprouts. I'm shook. What's your least favorite vegetable?
What do you think?
i am trying to stick to the deficit and noticed the only way to make seasoning stick is when i add butter or olive oil. wihtout seasoning it taste like cardboard. any tips to add flavour to air poped pocorn...
What us the cheapest and easiest way to get enough protein that you do daily to build/maintain muscles? I find it bothersome to do all of the prepping and seasoning of chicken to get eat.
Started IF mid way through September - only earnestly in the beginning of October. I’m 27 - F - 5’6 - No underlying health issues Began at about 165lbs and am now down to 140/142lbs this morning (it always fluctuates a...
I've done loads of fasting, up to 9 days and tbh I generally found for anything over 5 days, a bit of broth and a small meal the first day then back to normal the next. Anything under and I...
Is eating raw oats, logically speaking, supposed to make you feel fuller? Because if it's cooked it'll be more easily digestible as opposed to raw. If you eat, say, a half cup of oats ,raw,and used an equivalent half cup...
I'm not sure of a better way to word this, but I'm trying to make sure my toddler is getting enough vegetables in his diet. We offer them as a normal vegetable e.g., steamed, roasted, grilled. Sometimes he eats them,...
If someone wanted to eat the same thing for each breakfast then another thing just for lunch and bother for dinner would that be possible? Let’s say eggs oatmeal fresh fruit for breakfast plus a sandwhich and vegetables for lunch...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
On the USDA’s website it says that 110g of an orange sweet potato is 95calories. Friedas (Stokes) says on their website that 110g of their purple sweet potato is 150calories. How is that possible? Stokes has to be wrong, correct?...
In particular medication which requires you to eat beforehand. Does anyone have experience with this? Would it be impossible to fast if I need to have these medications twice a day (morning + night) ? Does anyone have any workarounds?...
Hello, I went from 84.7 to 74.9 Kilograms within 17 days, then I decided to have a meal, one meal that wouldn't break ketosis but would 'replenish' myself; fish is rich in omega3 fatty acids, B12, etc... After eating a mere...
I realize this topic has been discussed several times already but I couldn't readily find a post covering this relatively recent(2020) study: "Does ‘activating’ nuts affect nutrient bioavailability?" []( I unfortunately have no access to the full PDF but the abstract...
If I were on a diet of mostly fruits and vegetables and blended everything into a smoothie with water as opposed to chewing everything, would there be any real health difference?
Similar to how boiling vegetables can remove some nutrients, does boiling vegetable noodles do the same? A loved one had a medical issue this past week and needs more vegetables in her diet but she cannot get herself to...
And if it has 0 calories, am I right by thinking there is no risk of it breaking my fast? Is it true that sparkling water makes you hungrier in the long run?
Hi, I’m about 50 pounds over weight. I have been intermittent fasting 20:4 and eating in a caloric deficit but I’ve been struggling to stick to my calories. I will eat in a deficit one day and bindge the...
* Study: []( * Breakdown of the study from Layne Norton, who has a PhD in nutrition: []( Basically, study results were that active people on ADF vs calorie restriction lost the same amount of weight **but the ones doing ADF...
I had some pizza and beer after a 48 hour fast to in a way celebrate. I am now a day and a half out from my last time eating I can feel it all sitting in my abdomen. I...
Beans are cheap, but I don't know just what types of foods to eat with them. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I was very recently introduced to fasting as a fat loss method. I have some questions: 1.- I was thinking about fasting for around two weeks. Do you think this would be doable for someone’s first time? 2.-...
Having fats with both. What would be better? For example chicken with scrambled eggs vs oat bran with scrambled eggs. Thanks :)