Which broth has the most bang for its buck? Chicken, beef, veggies etc.
Can I take minerals during a dry fast if I don't take water? My heart starts to beat hard around 24 hrs and it's creepy. Wondering if something like shilajit would help
So I want to use oat flour for smoothies but where I live they only sell max protein oat flour/powder. Which contains added minerals such as pottasium and magnesium. My problem is that they dont tell you the amount of added...
The ingredients would be broccoli, root vegetable, sugar snap peas, and dark leafy greens. It would be brought to a boil and then simmered for about 20-30 minutes with water to cover it. I know it wouldn't be the same...
Is this true?
Per BMR calculators, I should be consuming approximately 2000 calories a day. Due to moderate cardio training, I've been consuming 3200 on a daily basis. How does a caloric surplus above the BMR affect the RDAs for vitamins and minerals?...
Is there any single food that has every micro, macro, vitamin & mineral our bodies need? Or even remotely close to covering them all:
I’d love a simple way to track my vitamins and minerals. It’s hard to figure out if I’m getting enough naturally or not. I tried some fitness apps but they don’t list all the vitamins and minerals, just a few....
How were the results? Any difference in overall health, nutrition, energy levels, etc? There are a lot of reads out there that say the average person does not get enough minerals (essential, trace, etc.) due to poor diet and increased...
So I was recently listening to a podcast, and one of the hosts there mentioned that we crave sweets when we are low on vitamins. Because “historically”, vitamins are abundant in fruits which are sweet and the craving would make...
Anyone got a list of the best food sources of each vitamin and mineral. Preferably at least the top 3 for each one. I've seen the first few pages of google but they don't really do a good job. It...
I read the wiki on the big 3 electrolytes for fasting and I finally reached a level I can supplement them well. However, there are many other vitamins and minerals necessary for keeping a healthy body, I found a list...
Curious if anyone has any info about stuff like phytic acid in hemp protein powders? Many brands claim to have 60% of the RDA for magnesium in a serving, but wouldn't the amount you actual absorb be a lot less due...
What brands to you all like and what do you like about them? I'm bored of black coffee and water only for my clean fast and want to add a little fizz to the day. Thanks!
I've been doing a bit of research on hypophosphatemia and refeeding syndrome. This sub often seems to advocate for having bone broth during extended fasts to keep phosphate levels normal. But everywhere I look, the phosphorus levels in a cup...
I use [this website](https://nutritiondata.self.com/) to look up nutritional data on common food products. [This product is soy milk 1 cup](https://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/legumes-and-legume-products/4387/2) and it shows 60mg calcium or 6% dv. Meanwhile, [Silk Soy Milk](https://silk.com/plant-based-products/soymilk/original-soymilk/) contains 450mg calcium or 30% dv. Another example,...
I read the faq and couldn't find the answer to my questions. What happens when you consume 10-20% of daily value in vitamins/minerals? Let's say you're only consuming 0mg-100mg of calcium each day for 5 years, does that mean your bones...
For the last 5 or so years, I've completely replaced regular water with mineral carbonated water (no taste, no color). It has (per 1L, in mg) = natrium(255), calcium(110), magnesium(54), potassium(20), iron(<0.05), bicarbonate(1251), iodous acid(45), chloride(11), sulphate(11), fluoride(1,3), carbon...
What is the minimal list of vegetables that could be grown in a garden and that would provide the entire gamut/spectrum of vitamins and minerals required for healthy body function? Not talking *quantity* of vegetables here, just the list of the...
For example, according to [Healthline](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/magnesium-dosage#types), 19-30 yo men need 400 mg, and women need 310 mg. So, eg, a 5’ 10 athletic muscular woman has the same requirements as 5’ 0 petite woman, but needs less than, say, a 5’ 5...
I’ve heard that some minerals inhibit others’ absorption. Do you have info on this?
Going on 45 hours of a 168 hour fast. I will persevere, but I absolutely am feeling the effects of not eating. I’ve not taken any electrolytes. What are some cheap and effective, yet efficient ways to get electrolytes? Are...
I realized Cronometer doesn't track Molybdenum. Are there other nutrients that are not there?
Distilled water (pure H20) with added electrolytes is the best water. It is the cleaniest water available containing no toxic chemicals and no heavy metals, it is 0 PPM. Dangerous facts about tap water: -Chlorine in tap water kills your gut...
So I recently learned that eating a lot of refined sugar (fructose in particular) depletes your reserves of certain vitamins and minerals (i.e Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin C and vitamin D). Yet fruits are very high in fructose, so now i'm...
Hi everyone, Is there a no-brainer mineral supplement I can just take a pill with water and know I'm being taken care of for the day while I'm fasting for weight loss? I have pink Himalayan salt in my cupboard but...
Recently I got a few Braggs e-books and in all of them they suggest only distilled water especially in their fasting book. They have a point that we use it for babies in formula. It makes me think that we have...
I want to drink the most beneficial water while fasting. What is it? Has anybody ever tried mixing waters or drinking different kinds while fasting? Fiji and Essentia were my go tos but now I’m branching out. So, I was...
Should sodium be considered a macronutrient? Why or why not?
I am brand new to fasting. What type of water do you recommend? I have seen so many suggestions with distilled, mineral, purified, and spring. I'm pretty unsure, haha.
I read that beef liver is a great source of nutrition and is basically a multivitamin but better. And eggs have choline which helps with learning. What other foods are you eating or drinking to boost mental performance?
I have found this zinc supplement by Solgar on Amazon but I don’t know what type of zinc it is, it says: Zinc (as zinc glycinate amino acid chelate), other ingredients: Microcrystalline Cellulose, Dicalcium Phosphate, Vegetable Cellulose, Silica, Vegetable Magnesium Stearate,...
I want to do fasting but, in my research, I found that taking electrolytes and or other supplements are a good idea. Let me know what supplements I need to purchase to get started! I plan to do rolling 72 fasts...
Salmon and fatty fishes support longevity, what are the active components in them?
Just a simple question, what are the benefits and risks of fish consumption.
I take fish oils and Curcumim/ginger/piperine supplements at the moment.
Hello! I've been making my own beef liver jerky. I was wondering about the vitamin & mineral content, since the product loses water and it's dry, what are the contents for the dried product, compared to raw liver per 10g serving?...
Say I pressure boil a chicken carcass in water for an hour or so. The bones at this point crumble easy in my fingers, and the majority of the fat and collagen has rendered out. If I get all the bones...
So I underand calcium to be an important electrolyte source as well. I am about to commit to a prolonged fast. 30+ days. Would it be acceptable to add a calcium powder to the snake juice? I'm unaware if this...
[View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/10jhyns)
What nutrients would be missing from a diet with rice, beans, broccoli, potatoes, oats and walnuts?
I am trying to collect and write down some information about macro- and micronitrients (biological function | how to consume them | how much to consume | etc.) so I can create a healthy relationship to them. Do you know...
Are there any 'must haves', you recommend to eat daily, to ensure you're getting your micronutrients as expected? Outside of taking a vitamin pill, are there some food recommendations to stay above the 'minimum daily requirements'?
Hello. I've been doing IF 16:8 for about 2 months now. I usually do my daily workout in a fasted state. I just recently picked up Pro Jym post workout and I am wondering if it is ok to break...
I've been looking for an article or book to finally understand whats really in the food that I buy. for example the blow ingredients for a Thomas bagel. > Enriched Wheat Flour [Flour, Malted Barley Flour, Reduced Iron, Niacin, Thiamin Mononitrate...
On Reddit it says the official recipe for a Snake Juice is - 1/2 tsp sodium chloride (table/himalayan) - 1 tsp potassium (NoSalt or Nu-Salt) - 1 tsp sodium bicarbonate...
Not that anyone should do such a thing, just a thought experiment. Can’t be too arbitrary like ‘a sandwich’ because you could put anything on it
coconut water is supposed to be a great source of magnesium, but it contains nearly as much calcium, and they "fight" each other to get absorbed. so, do we actually *absorb* the magnesium from coconut water?
How nutritious or benefits are cucumbers for you? Seems like at the least a harmless vegetable, mostly of water but how good do you think it really is for a person?
https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8h2MDvJ/ Something about this tiktok seems off to me - drinking 1 tablespoon salt in water a day?
Alright, so I have done fasts before, but never knew that it's proper to take electrolytes. I just never thought about it. What products or supplements are there to use while fasting other than mixing salt into water? I cannot cannot drink...
I am trying to do a clean fast but just realized that there is a citrus flavour in Earl Grey tea (which I'm currently drinking), would this cause insulin to spike?
Would b12 cause any depletion of b6, if using high amounts of b12 (eg 500mcg)
Mainly use for smoothies but still want a more natural and solid tasting powder. Any recommendations?
I can’t really watch Coles videos because his delivery is annoying and I can’t stand the yelling but can someone tell me the benefits of drinking snake juice on a fast vs regular water? About a year ago I lost...
# What is Alkaline Nutrition How is It Done? ## [In order for life on Earth to continue, all living organisms and cells must be of a certain pH.](https://www.technoscience.fikrikadim.com/2022/01/24/what-is-alkaline-nutrition-how-is-it-done/) In order to survive, the body fluids must be around 7.4. In the last...
I’ve gained weight so i need to flush my system out
I usually take a multivitamin, omega-3s, and some other supplements for mood. I know these things technically have calories, so I just wanted to get some opinions from you guys. Should I avoid them during the fast? (Obviously not looking...
I'm a bit worried that my fasting/OMAD eating habits may be meaning I'm lacking a range if vitamins and minerals. Black coffee and water don't do much nutrients wise, so I'm debating if it's worthwhile to start taking a multivitamin...
Everything I’ve looked up has calories in it. What do electrolytes do and wouldn’t the calories break the fast? I am on day 2 of a 4 day fast and I should be fine without the ? Please let me...
This is what August Dunning reccs. The stuff is really expensive and there’s some mixed reviews on amazon. Any alternatives? What is your re-feeding process like after a 5 day or more fast?
My bone broth has no protein in it! I have organic beef bone broth and according to the nutrition facts it does not contain protein. Literally says 0 protein per serving. Why is this?
I'm 75 hours into 30 days fasting, and I saw in other post that electrolytes are easier to drink with sparkling water than just normal water. So, sparkling water is soda?
Does this really work I just need to lose 20 or 30 pounds does it actually make you lose weight because I can’t water fast it’s to hard for me 🤦🏾♂️ so I came here please tell me it works...
Can you use regular iodized table salt for electrolytes while fasting? Will it break a fast?
Can someone eat as much of this as they want? The tub Contains 7 servings (100 calories with 0 fat, 6 grams of carbs, & 18g protein).
I’m on my almost 3rd day of dry fasting and my arms are starting to numb and I’m getting cramps in my legs. I was wondering if I can take magnesium supplements whilst I fast? Thank you for any help!...
Does stock provide enough micronutrients that it is worth cooking rice in it over water? Thanks in advance for the help!
Hi everyone. I just finished a 67 hr dry fast and decided to break it yesterday because I was feeling really sluggish and had to be able to work and get my kids to soccer and other activities. ...
The standard is to eat a variety of meals to get in all of our nutrients and supplements daily. However, is this how the body works in reality? Is there some sort of chart or guideline to show how much of...
Is there basically like a blueprint/template available online that has the least possible required foods and natural supplementation to meet the required amount for all the vitamins and minerals needed by the human body? I'd rather not eat over 100 foods...
Hi all, I was reading about coconut water and its glycemic index and multiple sources say it has a glycemic index around 3, its just water with sugar in it, is this a special type of sugar that metabolizes slowly almost...
I'm at 20 hours fasting, I've just taken junk and processed food out of the house. It's the only way to succeed. I've already been taking the snake juice.
Is there something like this? A block of food with all the nutrition that disregard any aspect of the taste.
Just curious to know... 3 days dry fast is the aim but masturbating bad for dry fast?
is there any difference except for the price? i heard it contains aluminium so it won't lose it's white colors. is it bad for digestion? let me know
About to start my first 100 hours fast, the most I've ever done was 34 hours long. How much water should I be consuming daily? This is food fast, and not water fast. Does anyone take vitamins while on a...
Will talking my daily vitamins and medications in the morning break my fast? I’m currently doing 8/16. My eating window is 11am - 7pm. I take my meds/vitamins at 6am daily. Thanks for the...
A lot of people tend to recommend jaggery over sugar as a sweetener. What is the basis for that and is it really healthier?
And if it has 0 calories, am I right by thinking there is no risk of it breaking my fast? Is it true that sparkling water makes you hungrier in the long run?
Or is it still better, even when the dates are pressed?
Maybe I'm just dumb I have a hard time finding pure electrolyte supplements that do not contain sweets. As recommendations? I'm open to buying online from other countries.
Are there any health benefits to chewing on the white seeds in the pomegranate arils? There's a difference between lightly chewing on the arils to get the juice out, and then swallowing the white seeds without chewing on them versus chewing...
My wife and I were discussing Trace mineral drops the other day after I watched a Tiktok touting it's benefits. Sadly, at the end of the video the drops she was suggesting were "available on her website" and that...