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Attempting longest fast next week

This is gonna hurt. But I need to do it to reset from my terrible food addiction.

I’m not working next week so it feels like my only chance to do this. My work requires high level brain power and while I may be able to do that later in the week, the first couple days are going to be really tough.

Back when I was doing strict keto I spontaneously did a 3 day fast once and it was so easy because I was already in ketosis and I just was not hungry, so I decided to see how long I could go. It was easier than doing IF because in IF I’m still having to make decisions all day about when I will eat and what I will eat. In fasting, I don’t have to make any decisions so my brain can stop thinking about food.

I’ve been eating all the carbs in the house to get rid of them which I know is making everything worse, and there’s been fucking amazing Christmas cookies. So being low carb in the days leading up to it to make the transition easier is just not happening.

I have tons of hobby projects that don’t require high level brain power that I’ve been neglecting so I’m looking forward to working on them as my distraction.

I have a couple kinds of magnesium capsules but I’m just realizing that the filler ingredients might not be ideal for fasting? I have Epsom salts for baths, is that appropriate to ingest?

I have Himalayan pink and and lite salt with potassium. When I was doing keto in the past I would make a keto-ade with seltzer and salt and sugar free crystal light flavor - is that ok to use while fasting? I’ve already accepted I can’t use the sugar free torani syrup or cream in my coffee which is going to bo SO HARD.

I’m scared but determined. Once I get through this week, I plan to be keto and intermittent fasting but I need this fast to get me started, otherwise I will fail, I’ve tried to get back into it several times in the past 2 years unsuccessfully.

Any other tips?

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This sounds like a great idea!! Fasting has definitely been the only way for me to overcome my food addiction. You need food grade epsom salt. I buy the “snake juice” packets of Amazon, it just makes my life so easy but whatever works best for you. 😊 something that has helped me has been reminding myself “I’m not a garbage can” maybe I misunderstood what you wrote but it appeared to me that you are eating things to get rid of them. Just throw them away if it’s too tempting, you are too valuable to treat yourself like a trash can. As a mom I am totally guilty of eating my kids food so “it doesn’t go to waste” there no bigger waste than eating something you shouldn’t because of guilt. Wishing you luck! Happy reset/new year!



What you need is discipline. Yes do this fast. Whatever food u have left in your cabinets throw away in a proper garbage bin.

This one fast is not going to fix your food addiction tho, you need to continue to make fasting (or any healthy food choice) a staple of your daily life. You won’t fix these cravings with a one week purge.

Also how much are you thinking about IF? It’s not THAT complicated. Pick a small window of time to eat during the day and then don’t eat for the rest. Easiest one to start is to skip breakfast.

Im down to one meal a day (lunch only) which isn’t difficult as far as timing. Sounds like you may be overthinking IF. Just pick one meal (or two) to get rid of and stick with that


If I was able to throw a full plate of assorted cakes before my fast and other leftovers from a big potluck Christmas dinner at my place before my fast, cause I had nobody to donate to, so can you. Eating all the carbs is not worth it. It’s a pity to throw out perishable food, but it’s an even bigger one to force yourself to down it if it goes against your goals. It’s carbs - there’s bound to be things that are not that perishable and that can be stored in the pantry or the freezer, if you really wanna avoid throwing stuff away.

Don’t take the bath salts - they usually contain oils and other ingredients unfit for human consumption.

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