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Bad as Vegans?

Are we as bad as vegans? There’s a joke… How do you tell which one is vegan? They’ll tell you… I feel like I launch into the benefits of IF all the time. I started innocently, people asked how I was losing all the weight. I’ve noticed lately that I’ve been talking about IF almost daily… I hope I’m not annoying people around me.

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I don’t talk about it unless someone asks. The most I might say is if someone offers me food/drink and I’m being strict I say no thanks…if they press I say I’m outside of my feed window. If they ask more…we chat


Ive been IF for nearly a year now and a total of 3 people know I’ve been doing it. My husband, my friend who is also IF, and my mother.

To most of my other friends/coworkers I just say that I’ve already eaten breakfast or I’m not hungry but I’d be keen to hang out and socialise for brunch and buy a coffee or something.

It’s easy for me I guess because my eating window is 12 - 8. So the social stuff where we get together (lunch at the office/dinner/drinks) tend to all happen in my eating window. So no one really has the need to bring up why I’m not eating. I think some of my hiking buddies are confused because when we do overnights/multidays I don’t eat breakfast. But I just tell them I’m not used to food so early (true) but I’ll probably eat later (also true).

Nothing wrong with IF but it’s like when people have a new baby. Good for them and all, but I’m not interested so please shush.

In saying that if you’re being asked about it, there’s nothing wrong with answering truthfully. It’s like if I ask someone why they’re vegan, then the vegan isn’t annoying for telling me why. But if they bring it up randomly when I’m chowing down a burger then they’re the annoying ones.


I IF. I don’t agree with vegans but if you’re doing something to try and make yourself more healthy you are right. I wouldn’t want vegans choosing my methods for me so I’m not going to preach unless someone asks.

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