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Calorie Restricted Diet (500 cal a day)


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>Is there anyway to make sure I lose fat but preserve my muscle mass? I don’t want to lose muscle along with fat, or even worse, only losing muscle and not fat.

Well you’ve managed to pick basically the worst way to do that. You will ALWAYS lose very significant amounts of muscle eating at this extreme of a deficit even under more ideal conditions, and you’re also getting just a tiny amount of protein from the tiny amount of food that you are eating. What’s your current weight and goal weight? Because this is not the route to go about things.


dude… seriously? you need to bumpyour calories up by A LOT. you’re ruining any chances of long-term sustainable weight loss because you’re starving yourself. You can eat more and get better results with a lower deficit, a win-win situation.


I think what you’re looking for is a PSMF. Never tried it myself but many swear by it. Basically you just eat protein and some low carb veggies etc. I am not entirely sure but there is a subreddit for it!


Is there a reason for this diet? I mean this is like post operation calories for someone getting weight loss surgery. Only they don’t have fruit or low calorie veggies. Instead it is protein and supplements because it is impossible to get enough vitamins and such.

If this isn’t medically supervised, just don’t go there. 1200 calories is a minimum gloated out. More if your needs are greater than average. Aim for one or two pound loss a week.


This not the way, this is the gateway to an eating disorder. Trust I’m speaking from personal experience If you’re adamant about decreasing your intake, try fasting.. You can still lose weight very quickly while eating healthy and fulfilling meals throughout the week, but 500 cal a day is not sustainable.


Replace the pieces of fruit with a variety of vegetables (and treat fruit as nature’s candy). A bowl of rice, lentils, quinoa or some other (whole) grain will help you with the proteins and gives you some fiber for a better digestion. A time restricted eating window (commonly known as Intermittent Fasting) can further help you to get leaner.

In your place I’d recommend looking up Fasting and Ketosis – which is the state your body is in after it used up (most of) the sugar stored in your liver and muscles and switches to body fat as fuel.Ketosis takes a little while to get accustomed to – remember though it has been the default for our ancestors, as they did not have sugar in abundance as we in the 21st century do.

Wishing you well for your acting part!

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