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Can I lose weight while eating 1300 cals aday?

I’m 16 n new to intermittent fasting. I’m 145lb and I want to reduce my weight to around 120lb before summer. My tdee is 1400 but I read that in order to lose weight there has to be a 500 calorie deficit, I tried that but I cant eat 900 cals aday without binging n feeling guilty afterwards so is 1300 a good amount?

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Please ensure you’ve taken the number that is your actual TDEE, and not your TDEE less a deficit before you do your math.

1300 is reasonable, 900 is not. I hope it was just a mistake in your math and 1300 is correct. Take it slow, don’t expect immediate results. Weight loss is certainly a gradual thing and please don’t do anything to drastic.

You are young and make sure you focus on health first. Ensure you’re getting your vitamins and staying hydrated. There can be negative consequences from losing weight too fast. Typically 0.5-1kg a week is normal, probably closer to 0.5kg (1lb) for someone of your size.


At 16, if you’re serious about losing weight safely, get the advice of a doctor/nutritionist and don’t attempt anything without that.

Don’t wing it and just cut calories, at your age your body is still developing. Stunt your nutrition = stunt your development. Sometimes that’s irreversible, do it wrong and you could have lifelong consequences. So, if you’re going to do it, you need to be not just reducing calories, but ensuring that your body is getting the nutrients it needs from the food you DO consume. You need proper advice on how to do that, it’s something you don’t want to get wrong.

Not saying don’t do it, it’d just be wise to seek assistance from a doctor etc. who can guide you.


900 isn’t great because you’re unlikely to eat all your required nutrients/macros, esp if you’re a teenager, and yeah you’ll get cravings. Stick to 1200-1300. Weight loss may be a bit slower but if you’re under your TDEE you will gradually lose weight.

Depending on your current activity level you can make up some of the reduced deficit with increased exercise. Then you are still hitting your required nutrient/subsistence levels but can work off some calories and improve tone & general fitness.


IF is about reducing the number of insulin spikes.

You could lose weight switching to a whole foods based diet, eating your TDEE in a 6 hour window of 2 meals, no snacks.

If weight loss slows down doing that before you reach your goal, then switch up to ADF, alternate day fasting, and eat you TDEE every other day in just 2-3 meals, no snacks.

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Categories: lose weight intermittent fasting deficit binging weight loss vitamin losing weight nutrition calories macro snack alternate day fasting