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Do you think deep DF can heal ear issues? Like hearing loss/tinnitus.

The Phoenix Protocol states somewhere that “inner ear disease” can be healed through a deep DF.

I already feel a difference in my asthma at only 72 hours. Haven’t taken my inhaler at all the last 3 days.

But I have a serious ear problem that I’m hoping the protocol can help. Do you think the inner ear can regenerate hair cells and whatnot? Also my middle ear muscle is shot out. I think there’s a lot of inflammation in my middle ear which is contributing to severe tinnitus and hyperacusis.

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Well the ear is complex and I can only talk from experience here but I recently got a terrible sinus- and middle ear infection which made my eustachian tube shut and trapped fluid in my middle ear. After a 4 day dry fast my sinus infection disappeared as well as the fluid in my middle ear but my eustachian tube still remains shut for now. Dry fasting does help with inflammation and swelling so for it to help your eustachian tubes is not impossible.

Tinnitus has many causes and I have read about people who completely got rid of their tinnitus through dry fasting but also people who has had no change in it whatsoever. I have yet to read a story about hearing loss but once again it might depend on the cause. If it is caused by an inflamed eustachian tube, then maybe.


My tinnitus is caused by my stomach inflammation, it goes from very noticeable to barely noticeable at all. It always gets quiet on and after fasts. Things that flare it is sugar and over eating. I would say give it a go , as with (most) ailments, fasting won’t hurt, and more than likely will heal the problem

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