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Does coffee with a splash of skim milk negate fasting?

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I recently watched a YouTube or TikTok where they tested coffee with heavy cream, coffee with milk, and coffee with sweetened creamer.

The first two didn’t impact blood sugar levels. So if you’re going for weight loss, I’d say drink the coffee with a splash of milk.

If you’re going to autophagy, maybe not.


Obligatory once a month post - no cream won’t hurt your fast. You’re at a 2000 calorie daily deficit so 10 calories aren’t going to make a dent. If a little milk keeps you fasting longer than it’s a great positive benefit.

Consider cream or half and half instead. I personally think they taste better and have less carbs. But at that small amount the carbs wouldn’t really matter.


technically yes, but it doesnt matter. as long as you arent a purist whose mind and emotions will be crushed by slightly impure and very subjective methods, you will be in great mental condition to take on the fast as a whole.


There have been studies performed by DR Longo (I think that’s his name) and the university he’s associated with that led to development of something called fast mimicking diet or guidelines. The idea is autophagy and many other fasting benefits still accrue if you keep protein and carbs very very low (I think the numbers are less than 15g of each) and total calories below 500 - basically a fat fast. I’ve found that I can “extend” a 36-48 hour water fast for a few days (hopefully getting some more autophagy and anti inflammatory benefits) by eating an avocado after 36-48 hours. So I think you will be okay with a bit of milk/cream. Everyone fasts for different reasons and everyone has to find the tools that help them achieve their goals. If an avocado takes me from 36 to 72 hours then that’s a good tool to me. If a splash of milk gets you where you want then that’s a good tool for you! Good luck! The most important thing is you are doing it and you will experience many benefits!


Studies have shown up to 500 calories for most individuals still induce autophagy, retain ketosis, and reduce markers for inflammation, assuming those 500 calories are not allowed carbs, don’t listen to the elitists, have some flavor in your coffee.


Appreciate all the responses but also clear that there isn’t a clear answer some say yes some say no some say it depends some say cream some say nothing but I understand at the end of the day if a splash of skim or cream that’s not more than 20 calories is all I have u til say 3pm or so probably gonna be ok ..


Of course. If your goal is only to restrict calories, then you will still be in deficit. But physiologically, your body will respond to the milk (and maybe even the coffee) in such a way that it is no longer “fasting”.

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