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coffee with a splash of milk?

I need my coffee in the morning it is the one thing I will not give up, however I need a splash of milk in it. Like literally less then a quarter of a cup. Is this destroying my intermittent fasting. Other then that I am a strict one meal a day. Dinner at 5 pm. And due to my job I am not in bed before one am. So I believe that gives my body an ample amount of time to digest before bed. Sooooo. Do I really need to give up the milk in the coffee???

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I do omad and put unsweetend almond milk in my coffee.

I’m still having success. 6 1/2 weeks, and I’m down 10 pounds out of the 13 I want to loose.

I guess its suppose to effect metabolic rate- but like whatever. They call it a “dirty fast” again- whatever.

Take a look at what your doing- if things are changing on the scale and you feel good- keep doing it.


THE QUESTION: is this destroying your intermentant fasting?

THE ANSWER: A resounding “YES!” The moment you add milk, heavy cream or anything with calories to your coffee, your fast just ended. If your fasting for weight loss it may hinder results but not stop them. You will risk the end any other benefits of fasting though and I don’t think a splash of milk is worth that! I root for you to give up the milk and keep fasting for your fasting time and then have your coffee with cream


OMAD is not set in stone. If you have your splash of milk and still get the results you want, then do it. If milk is holding you back, then take a step back to rethink your strategy. Keep your eyes on the goal but not at the expense of your mental health.


Nobody knows for sure. Around the internet, there is a lot of advice saying keep the calories below 50 and it’s probably going to be ok. You will actually want to measure your “splash” to see how much it really is.

The more you can minimize the calories, protein and sugar in your coffee whitener, the safer you will be. Milk is especially high in all of those things.

Another coffee whitener that may seem less “healthy” on the surface may actually be lower in total calories. Light cream, for example: Serving size 1 TB has 30 calories, 0 Protein and 0 Sugar.

Whereas a quarter cup of whole milk has 43 calories, 2g protein and 2.5g sugar. That’s a pretty big difference.


I would recommend one or two teaspoons of heavy whipping cream instead of milk. Milk has carbs which will trigger an insulin response, whereas the cream is pure fat.

EDIT: quarter cup of milk is a big splash 😀.

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