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Does dry fasting cure back pain?

I just finished my first hard dry fast (48h) and I was thinking that maybe dry fast could also heal back pain? Completely?

Ten years ago I was diagnosed with couple of broken discs and I have had 25years back pain (stiff back, pain).

Has someone experienced any relief from dry fasting on back issued?

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Fasting alway helps my back pain (apart from those odd periods deep in a fast where it’s (hopefully) healing it and temporarily feels worse).

The best long term relief for me has been going strictly zero carb. I had to go strict keto to manage some bad CFS and suspected long covid and the surprising side effect over the last 9 months has been the slow but steady improvement of my back.

During the last 9 months I have eaten carbs a couple of times due to social obligations (and the occasional low will power) and every time it’s flared the back pain up and crippled me for a few days.


Thanks for your reply! I’m a male and I have a bad posture. And I’m working as a IT specialist, so lot of sitting… I do weight lifting, and I have found some relief from it. I love deadlifts! I also exercise, I like to go rucking in the forest or drive a fatbike in the forest.

The biggest help I got from Dr John Sarno’s books Healing backpain and Mindbody connection, twelve years ago.

But I would still love to find a solution that will fix my back permanently. But I’ll continue my dry fasting path and I’ll let you know if it helps. Maybe it can fix my spinal disk herniations…

Edit: I also do a zero carb strict carnivore diet.


Fasting can heal nerve damage. But as long as you don’t remove the problem that caused the nerve damage, it will continue to hurt. For example, fasting won’t fix bad posture, but it can heal nerve damage caused by posture or something like that. Fasting can cause your posture to improve faster. For example, if you think that your posture will improve in 1 year, it may be in 3 months. But you need to exercise to improve your posture. Especially dead hanging.


It maybe help but won’t fix the root of the problem there’s: excessive sitting, bad posture and weak structural muscles that support you. Bridges and progressive deadlifts with good form and without ego lifting are the best things ever that I did for my back. Hypertensions can help too.


I can’t speak on DFs for back pain, but besides that I hope you’re already doing the no pillows under neck, back sleeping, with only 1 pillow under your knees. Besides that, if you are man, something I’ve heard work is abstinence from sex or anything sexual for a bit. Your mileage may vary.

Good luck

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