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Doing a 21 day water fast, with Coke Zero? How bad is it?

I’ve just finished a 7 day water fast where I drank about a liter of water per day, every other day I’d mix salt into it. I felt fine, didn’t have any issues and think I’d be able to do a longer fast. So I am planning to start a 21 day fast this coming weekend. However, the taste of the salt water was super hard to deal with. I tried adding some salt in diet coke and could hardly taste it.

So I was wondering, how bad would it be to do a 21 day fast where I just drank diet coke with salt added to it, rather than water with salt?

Going by the label on the coke, there is no calories / sugar / carbs etc. in it, and the fake sweetener is aspartame. So it shouldn’t break the fast or anything, right?

Of course it isn’t as good as water, but what are the actual downsides or negative points to doing a long fast drinking only diet coke, rather than water?

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It will break a fast for gut rest and will slow autophagy but should be ok for weightloss. I tend to feel intense hunger when I drink it but that’s me. Honestly, you would be better off using plain seltzer, I have a Soda Stream, and flavor drops like Stur or Sweetleaf that are sweetened with Stevia which will not break a fast. There is a soda brand called Zevia that has lots of flavors. Herbal tea and coffee are also allowed. Don’t forget about pickle juice! It’s a great source of electrolytes and can give you that pep when you feel weak.


It depends on your personal health, as the main issue is the insulin spike associated. You can check how much of an impact it is having with a glucose monitor. Drink one in the morning, check your blood sugar right after and then at 45 and 90 minutes. If it’s moving more than 20%, you should toss it because you have the discipline to do 21 days without food.


wouldn’t it be better to drink herb teas during a fast, or tisanes, if one uses that word instead? which of those would people here recommend? if stevia really isn’t a concern then sweetening them with that would be easy to manage, to drink hot or iced.

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