| | Water Fasting

Dry fasting and Human Growth Hormone for muscle gain

I know that water fasting raises the HGH. Does dry fasting raises it notable higher? I want to use dry fasting to drop body fat and afterwards hit the gym for muscle mass. I was losing motivation for weight lifting even though I was going there constantly. I know that after water fast my running pace is skyrocketing, but I have never experienced that with dry fast + weight lift.


Also, do we have people here who try to build muscle implementing dry fasting and mind share your routine? :)

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Nobody has measured it

Eggs raise HGH though AFAIK so maybe dry fasting can let you get rid of the fat faster and get back to a HGH raising diet?

But HGH is measurable with a blood test.

Could you give it a try and book 2-3 blood tests?

One pre-fast, one on the 1st refeed day, and one on the 7th refeed day

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