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Explaining why I'm not eating all meals with the kids anymore

I have 2 young kids and have been IF for a few weeks now. My oldest has started noticing that I’m no longer eating all meals with them, and I’m struggling with the best way to explain it. I try to be body positive in my language around them, and don’t want to give the message that skipping meals would be healthy or good for them to do. They are still young (3 1/2) so I can’t explain the complex concepts. What do other parents say when the kids ask why you aren’t having breakfast with them, or have to eat lunch later than they do?

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When my 3 year old wants to feed me at breakfast time or asks why I’m not eating in the morning, I just tell him that my tummy says it’s full and I will eat when later when it tells it’s hungry. I do make an effort to eat other meals with him to show him that I do eat when I’m hungry. I want him to have a healthy idea about eating when he’s hungry and so we don’t make a big deal about him not eating everything we serve. My parents tried their best, but I grew up as part of the “clean plate club” and was praised for eating everything even when I was full, so I still carry that with me today.


I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old. I just tell them I already ate when they weren’t looking. I don’t like saying “I’m not hungry” because then they will use this excuse to not eat their dinner.

If they press you, just be honest. “See this fat on daddy’s belly, this is all my leftover food from last week. My body is eating it right now! That’s why I’m not hungry!”


Your body is much younger and has different needs than mommy’s. Your metabolism and eating will change at different stages in your life, so I need you to do what’s best for you while I do what’s best for me.


I’ve told my kids that up until about 18 years old, 3 meals a day is important for a young body to grow up to its fullest potential, but once you hit 18, most people can get by with only eating 2 meals a day due to no longer having to grow upwards and instead fight the growing sideways.


You don’t have to explain it.

That’s the problem with our culture, we have to explain ourselves to everyone and justify our lifestyles.

You get to do whatever the hell you want, and obviously within reason I think that is a great thing to model for your kids.

If you aren’t eating dinner you simply say “I am not hungry” or “I ate later today”.

Teach your kids you shouldn’t eat when you aren’t hungry and it’s OK to have different eat times.

To be clear, IF is not skipping meals. It’s just not eating at certain times of the day.


Be thankful they notice. My kids are just interested in me as a waitress bringing them food, not if the server herself eats. But yes. I do make a point of eating at least one healthy sit down meal with them daily. Even if a 40 hour fast means I have peppermint green tea “soup.” You can tell them that you’re all finished growing tall so you don’t need food as often, but that you’ll read them a story while they eat their meal. And that food will help them so they can grow tall too.

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Categories: struggling lunch morning dinner tea