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Extended (24hr+) fasters...which day(s) or part of the fast is hardest for you, and why?

I feel like I see a ton variability when people talk about the hardest parts of their fasting. I’m curious to know everyone’s experiences when it comes to the timeline of their fasts!

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Day 1 to 2 is usually the hardest for me. Sometimes they’re a breeze and sometimes it’s super hard, depends on my mindset and maybe my eating habits before starting.

I’ve tried fasting a couple times since my last one about 6 months ago and I’ve never been able to pass 30 hours, usually quitting much before then. This fast I’m currently on, I’m at 41 hours and haven’t even thought of food yet. This time I was watching what I was eating before starting so maybe that’s why it’s easier.


fat adapted: days 1 and 2 blend comfortably as if i wasnt fasting. difficulty hardly changes from there, at least the first 5 days. day 3 - 5 can be boring with the lack of food.

carb adapted: i can get through the first day with some will power, but if i was over-stuffed with a calorie surplus 2/3 above my maintenance calories, i can get through the infamous 3 days without much discomfort, if any, because im so full that i have no appetite.

sometimes i just cant while carb adapted and it takes a couple tries before succeeding. usually its easier the second attempt within a few days of failing the first. im not willing to suffer the first 3 days of a fast if i dont have to, but when i do it anyway, focusing on my goal gets me through my planned duration.


I’m quite used to OMAD, and deal with 48s by going to bed earlier and telling myself I will have dinner tomorrow. 72s are harder mentally 48 hours in but if I push past it by keeping busy the remaining 24 isnt that bad. I have not been able to do longer for a long time due to that mental hurdle. Hunger isnt that bad if I keep up with my electrolytes.


I’m at hour 54 right now and have approximately ten more hours to go. I’m about to go to bed, so that help, but yeah, I’m feeling a bit gassy and have acid reflux right now. I’m looking forward to some nice bone broth and then meals tomorrow.

It’s hard to say the most challenging part because, to me, the hardest part is my current situation. I’m incredibly stubborn, however, and I refuse to break it until it’s done.


I’m already in ketosis as I eat keto, so it’s day 2 that’s the hardest for me, not day 1. I’m working my way up now, my last fast was 43 hours, and my current fast will be longer.

Edit, I have done much longer fasts in the past, and it’s always been day 2 that’s the hardest. I’ll deal with this tomorrow…..it’s when I’m the most irritable.


I do two 48’s each week, I start the fasting clock after dinner time the night before. The hardest part for me is the last few hours of work, on the days I do eat I always look forward to going home for a good dinner and it helps me get through the rest of the work day. But on my fasting days when I don’t have dinner to look forward to I’m like “dang going home in a few hours, what do I have to be excited about??”


For me, day 1 is always the hardest. Not sure if it’s because I have Hashimoto’s, but my body and energy levels are BLAH the day after a refeed (refeed and eating itself feels fine.)

Once I get through that first day, it’s smooth sailing. My mood is so much better on day 2 and the mental clarity is amazing.


The first month is easy and rewarding. After that, you may start experiencing some weight loss plateaus which affects your desire to be consistent. I’m the type that will do something temporary but never stick to anything long-term so consistency has been more challenging for me. Been on ADF since Jan 4 consistently and didn’t skip any days which I am proud of but it is increasingly more challenging to stick to this regimen especially when hitting weight loss plateaus.

It is also hardest when I am fasting on a day during which I have many meetings or large work projects due. Probably because I’m using more energy to get through the day so I feel more tired.

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