| | Water Fasting

Filinov comments on compounding 36 hour fasts?

I’m looking to get my 70 year old mother(spinal problems, slightly on the spectrum for BPD, IBS, arthritis) and 65 year old father(GERD, Gout, arthritis, addiction) to overcome a number of health issues, but neither of them have the strength or willpower to do a longer dry fast and think it impossible to go >3 days despite seeing me do it.

I heard that filinov spoke to a 36 hour dry fast once a week for a year to have similar effects as the 11 day dry fast, is that true?

I feel like I could get them to fast 1 whole day + the nights before and after as they both used to water fast like that for ash Wednesday and Good Friday back in the 60s when it was still a requirement for Lent.

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I am also very interested in this! I find it very hard to believe that compounding vs doing it straight should make that much of a difference? It must also be very individual in terms of having a skinny person and an obese one, in terms of having the body get to work on healing stuff.

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