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Gaining weight every day for the last week

Hi all, I (28F) usually lurk here, but I’ve run into an issue and I’m hoping someone here can offer some guidance. I’m new to IF, I started in July of 2022 at 16:8, and now I vary between 18:6 and 20:4 depending on my needs for the day. I have been steadily losing since July (SW 298 CW 195ish GW 150-170) and I’ve hit plateaus here and there which is no biggie but recently I hit 195.2 lbs and then suddenly started gaining .5 a day. This morning I clocked in at 198.8.

I drink around 64 oz of water a day (I’m inside most of the day and not a big sweater), I keep my daily calorie intake below 1500, I keep my daily carb intake below 50g (realistically I consume less than 30g of carbs a day but my limit is 50). I do yoga daily. Im moderately active during the day.

At first, my actual measurements weren’t changing so the weight gain wasn’t bothering me and I figured it would figure itself out but this morning I’m measuring a whole inch bigger around my thighs and waist so now I’m getting frustrated.

I don’t start my period for a week and a half and I usually don’t start gaining period weight until a few days prior. I ovulated about a week ago so I don’t think that’s the reason.

The only thing I can think of is my sodium intake, but it’s not anything wild? Around 1500mg a day.

I have hypothyroidism but it’s controlled with medication and my dose is correct right now according to recent blood work.

Again, I’m new to this so if I am misinformed about something feel free to enlighten me. I appreciate the help and feedback 🤙🏼

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Recently my weight and measurements bumped up suddenly over about 3 days (I don’t weigh everyday but usually don’t see big increases suddenly). Too sudden to be pure fat gain, so I figured water weight. I had a couple of carb-y meals recently so I figured that may have contributed, but then I also remembered that I had increased weights on a few exercises a few days before, enough to feel the residual soreness during my next workout.

The largest increase in measurements was around the area I was most sore. So, for me I figured it was water weight from carbs and muscle inflammation. This is the first time I’ve seen such tangible water weight gains from increased exercise, so it was interesting.


I’ll be honest, I even found that OMAD was maintenance for me as a woman. I had to switch to a 3x42 set schedule to really see results. I would try to incorporate a 36-42 hour fast to reset and see how that feels.


Do you 100% know when you ovulated? It could be an early period or a late ovulation. I don’t have a “regular” cycle and the bloat is wild 🙈

Maybe worth reaching out to the dr to check on the hypothyroidism if you haven’t already. Also to check on any other autoimmune issues - my Dad has several and you’re more prone to develop an additional autoimmune disease when you have one already. Yes, bodies suck.

Ultimately, sometimes we have an off week but keep following the process!


Yo same girl.

Are you hitting your protein macro? I am NOT so likely filling in the edges with basura.

I saw someone’s comment about metabolic rate slowing down- thats not true. Its only in prisoners of war and stuff.

But if yr not eating protein targets, it is, alas, some BULLLLSHIT that yr body will be hungry forever, always.

U can do dis.


Hi there! It sounds like you’ve been making great progress with your Intermittent Fasting and overall health journey. It’s not uncommon to hit plateaus and see fluctuations in weight, but the sudden gain and increase in measurements can be frustrating.

Have you considered tracking your sodium intake more closely? Sometimes even a small increase in sodium intake can cause water retention and weight gain. It might also be a good idea to consult with your doctor or a nutritionist to see if there’s anything else that could be causing this sudden change.
Remember to be kind to yourself and not let the numbers define your progress. Keep up with your daily yoga and activity, and focus on nourishing your body with healthy foods. Best of luck on your journey!


My 20:4 (18:6 is okay) came from my MD b/c I was either gaining or just fighting it on a plateau otherwise - with a weight loss / body fat % reduction goal. Stubborn body in my case. No medical issues. I am indeed “older” - but for me the other mystery factor was eating during what time of day. Zero food after 6pm and I aim for a bit earlier cutoff. Takes some getting used to! My MD said I would be cranky for a week then my body would just get used to it - true!


Be sure to consume enough calories during your eating window to sustain yourself for the day. Not consuming enough calories like what your base metabolic rate would burn on its own can slow your metabolism down. From what I’ve read and seen. Just in my experience.

That, from what I heard and read is what can slow your metabolism. Also if I might add, consume plenty of water, I always day to myself that if that pee ain’t clear then it’s time for another cup of water, but that’s just how I do.

For water, I like to start my day after waking up with three cups of warm or a little more than warm but not so much that you couldn’t just drink without sipping, for me by the second cup of water my stomach is already growling and gurgling and by the first few gulps of the third cup I’m just about ready to do a number 2. A little over 50 ounces in the A.M. then continue to drink water throughout the day.

Dehydration often gets confused with hunger.

I’m a guy btw, and I fast daily 18 hours and eat 6 hours. Today going for the 20 hour fast cause I missed out twice this week at work by only a half hour cause it got busy at work.

Hope some of this helps, the woman parts of your story about ovulation etc I can’t say much for. ✌️❤️

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