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Has anyone had success through OMAD?

Hi I plan on starting IF soon and plan to eat OMAD. I plan to eat a piece of fruit at around 12pm then eat a full meal at around 5pm.

Is this a good plan? Has anyone found success doing OMAD?


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I was unintentionally doing 18:6, so when I decided to intentionally do IF, I started with 20:4, which naturally became OMAD. I’ve lost 25 pounds in 2 months. I eat what I want, but IF has corrected my appetite and I want good nutritional food. I still have a cookie or treat to finish my meal, but I’m not depriving myself at all. I eat until I am full then I stop. IF is a process. I think easing into OMAD is the best way, your body will do what it is supposed to if given time to heal.


Eating at 12 and at 5 is not omad, it’s 19/5 IFTotally fine and will work. Also as others have said would recommend eating something with protein and fats bs a price if fruit.

I have been doing OMAD for 7 weeks and lost 25 lbs. Started at 230 currently 205


The number one thing to remember is that IF is a tool to maintain a calorie deficit. Any of the IF eating patterns (12:12, 14:10, 16:8, 18:6, 20:4, 23:1) all accomplish the same thing IF they are adhered too and allow you to stay within a calorie deficit. If OMAD helps you stay in a calorie deficit then by all means carry on, BUT if you find that it’s not sustainable (variety of life circumstances can cause non-adherence) switch to a time pattern that does work for you. Best advice I can give regarding IF is pick the eating window that works for your current work/lifestyle, don’t try to impose an eating window over top a chaotic work/lifestyle. No matter which eating window pattern you chose, if you eat at maintenance calories of above, you will not lose weight. I found OMAD extremely difficult to do as my job is pretty active and my goal is to maximize muscle and minimize body fat. Trying to eat 1800-2000 calories in one sitting and then expect to be able to lie down an hour later to go to sleep was unpleasant and not sustainable for me.

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Categories: omad fruit nutrition deficit eating window calories lose weight muscle body fat sleep