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How do you fight cravings during PMS time?

I tend to overeat during this period, is this the case for you too?

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I tend to overeat too, but maybe my body needs more calories then. I’m a little less restrictive that week or 2 weeks. If I feel 14:10 is better for me any of those days, I do that instead of my usual 22:2. I up my calories a little and my deficit may be smaller, but I can live with that for a week. Sugar cravings is tough and I try to limit myself to two sugary drinks that week. I think it’s good to give into cravings just to get it out of your system, but I’d limit it to maybe 2 days a week. You don’t want to end up with sugar brain. Craving it like a zombie. I track calories and estimate it weekly. If I eat 3000 Calories because of ‘my cravings’ I just try to eat under 1500 next day or even extend my fast if I’m comfortable with it. I was able to do a 38 hour fast after eating so much, so it balances out a bit. So I don’t really ‘fight’ cravings too much. Just enough to get by.


I buy ingredients instead of snacks which limits my mindless snacking and forces me to cook and prepare food which I will only do when I’m legitimately hungry. I can’t be trusted to say no to junk food so I just don’t buy it. I try and break each fast with something healthy and then try my best to manage expectations for the rest of the day.

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Categories: calories tea deficit sugar snack