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How do you get to your targeted calories eating only 6 hours a day? Please help

I’m overweight, I was 270 and been doing OMAD or 2 meals every day. I’ve dropped to 215 pounds in 5 months, which makes it a 2.75 pounds lost a week which is a little over the 1-2 they recommend. I’m wanting to eat more food now while maintaining that lifestyle since I just learnt you can fuck up your liver hard from not eating enough calories and I’ve been eating maybe 900 calories those 5 months of all whole foods and I’ve never felt physically better in my life. I’m really struggling at how to fit in another 500 calories to undo / prevent further damage I’m causing myself.

Breakfast is either:

2 scrambled eggs + 2 turkey bacon + handful of walnuts + broccoli…~400 calories


2/3 cup plain oatmeal + 1/3 cup raspberry + handful of unsalted sunflower seeds…~360 calories

Then for dinner its either:

Homemade lentil soup with vegetables and cheese on side…~400 calories


Turkey chili with lots of beans with salad…~400 calories


Chicken breast/roast beef with mixed vegetables..~450 calories.

And with that I’m full and feel real good rest of the day, I feel everything Im eating is nutrient dense but low in calories. My body has adjusted to this and after like 2-3 weeks eating like this I never get hungry anymore. But with all that said I know I should try to get in atleast another 500 calories and I’m stumped with how. I’m never hungry anyways and I’m out of food ideas since I’m a picky eater trying to stick true to something to help my fatty liver heal (think I’ve made it way worse with this calorie restriction - I just pray I havent made it cirrhosed).

My only plan was to add a plain greek yogurt, berry, nut mix in between breakfast and dinner which would give me another 200-300 calories which would still make me short. But that still wouldn’t get me to a target calories level.

How do you guys fit in 1500 calories worth of food in 6 hours while making sure it’s whole foods? Can you give me some sample meal plans.

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Can you provide an article that about liver damage from caloric restriction? I think you’re over worrying about it.

Having said that, you certainly need to eat more calories as you near your goal weight. Looking at what you eat, the answer seems pretty simple, eat more fat. Replace turkey bacon with real bacon and turkey chili with beef chili. Have an occasional steak for dinner. Snack on some nuts, especially macadamia. If you eat yogurt, make sure to get the full fat version.


Reducing vegetables, and add either:

-animal products high in fat, or

-rice, potatoes etc.

(I am of the belief that animal fats are wrongfully vilified, and actually the most healthy among all foods. But it took me several years of reading to get there, so not going to push this view onto others.)

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