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How do you stick to your fast when around friends?

This has always been a problem in IF for me when I hang out with my friends or SO. Eating will be included and I haven’t been able to reach the target fast yet. How do you manage your fasting schedule?

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I adjust my fasting schedule if I know I’ll be out. My usual fasting is 16:8 with my last meal ending at 7, so if I know I’ll be eating around 8 or 9 I will adjust my fast accordingly and add one or two hours of fasting the next day to get back on track.


I don’t, I just count the calories, then just fast more on other days, or even chuck in a fast before hand for like 48-60 hour depending on how mad things might be, depends if that’s your style, then just go back to ADF

I have a targeted amount of weekly/monthly calories, if I go X amount over, fast X amount extra :)


Personally doing dinner or something with friends is too valuable to my happiness to forgo so I’ll build my fast around those instances (e.g. start eating even later in the day if I’m going out that night) and also not be too hard on myself if I blow a day or two.


I have treated it much like I did sobriety. I openly explain my intent/goals and the reasons for them to my close friends and family. Most of them are really supportive. My biggest motivator however is my ego I suppose. I don’t want to look like a failure in front of them so I stick to my plan, around them or not.

I’m 2 years sober and this approach worked well. I’m less than two months into IF so we’ll see if it works there also.


Fun of you to assume I have friends lol. But if I have a late dinner planned I would fast longer the day before, and longer the morning after. If it is the spur of the moment, I will try and order a small plate/app, or only eat a few bites and take the rest for leftovers.


During my weight loss I just didn’t care I still fasted it wasn’t difficult for me to not eat or drink calories hanging out with my friends. When I do mini cuts now it is harder but I still just don’t do it that’s about all I can say. Just don’t do it


I tend to do 22/2 on week days and 12-16 hour fasts on the weekend.Tomorrow I’m heading breakfast with my sisters ( we get to do this 4-6 times a year) then it’s my son’s bday and a big part of what he wants is a day cooking and baking with mom, he’s an adult and part of his celebration will be enjoying wine we have made together. I refuse to feel guilty or make him feel bad over what he wants, I’m just grateful my adult kids wants to spend a day with me.That said when they order food at work and it’s not during my eating window or isn’t great food I just suck down another coffee or big cup of water bc no one at the office gives a shit if one of 8-12 people eats or not, there is no logical or emotional reason to eat outside of my window


Just adjust your schedule accordingly. Eat with them and push your time. Then either eat earlier the next day or later to re-adjust your schedule and get back on track. Or just take the day off, it won’t hurt. You are your own rule maker or breaker. I wouldn’t recommend IF is for you if it’s consistently interfering with your social life.


I have started to reschedule my friend catch ups in my eating time i.e. from 2-7 pm. If that is not possible ( once in 2 months maybe) then I start my fast whenever convenient. And maintain that schedule till I can catch up to my original planned schedule. Once in a while, it is fine to go easy. As long as it isn’t becoming a habit. The idea is to finally prioritise “yourself”. I think this is the key to maintaining IF (or several other things for that matter). It seems selfish at first, but in the long run if you are content, friends tend to gravitate towards the new (content) you. Ok, May have become a little philosophical there for a seemingly simple question 😁

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