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How do you stop yourself from being distracted by hunger when you know you don’t ‘have’ to eat?

Because of the medications that I am on, I have gained 20 lbs in the last few months.

I have found that my cravings are worst late at night and I often order Doordash or get fast food when I’m out during the day. I find myself craving the taste of food instead of sustenance. For example, if I am “hungry” I will think about how good a burger would be instead of how filling a salad could be.

I have been going to the gym but as I gain more weight it’s become more difficult to keep up with what I was doing even weeks ago. This whole ordeal is making me very depressed and making me feel like giving up.

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It sounds to me, and I am no expert, but my experience would say you have a bit of an addiction to food. I may not be right, but it is an inward question you need to really examine. IF it is, then I would say the most immediate cure would be a new different hobby.

What are your passions? Have you ever wanted to start a project and haven’t? Do it now. I broke my (self diagnosed) food addiction with the gym, when that didn’t fill the void, I went back to food. I did this 3 or 4 times. After the last time I shifted gears. Instead of returning to food, I pursued a passion. I have found art to be therapeutic.

I may he off base, but this has been my experience.

Once art no longer fires those addiction neurons, I’ll have to shift gears again. I am preparing myself to not make bad choices, but it happens.

Best of luck. Hope this helps even a little.


One thing I read when I started IF was that hunger generally passes if you wait about 20 minutes. So, drink a big glass of water, because wode is right about people mistaking thirst for hunger and also, the water will fill you up a bit. Then go do something to distract yourself for 20 minutes. You’ll probably find you’re no longer hungry.

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