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How long can I keep this up? I’ve never felt better….

The benefits of fasting and cold showers (not intermittent fasting) seem to have benefitted beyond what I possibly could have imagined. But In particular fasting. My depression has practically disappeared. I have almost no anxiety and I’m happier. I’m surprised doctors don’t recommend this.

I enjoy being “normal” again. However my worry is that I would like to know how sustainable it is. I did a 3 say fast and during that period I was content. Perhaps happy isn’t the word because you can’t be happy all the time but I was content.

So far my fasting routine is like this. Fast Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then eat Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday. When I eat, it is much closer to keto and I sometimes eat potatoes and starchy carbs sometimes.

Another strange benefit is savings on cost. I’m quite frugal and I’ve noticed that when I eat on my feeding days I spend less during the week obviously. I eat twice during the feed days and then I fast for the rest. Currently I am going through economic problems so this is a Great help. My electricity bill has even gone done because I use the cooker less.

When I came off like 2 weeks ago, that anxiety and depression started creeping in again. So for now I’ll be staying on this diet. The problem is how sustainable is it. I’m thin but not bone skinny. I train push Ups and various isometrics during and after fasting. There hasn’t been huge noticeable loss.

Just so you all know I’m not some anorexic or anything like that. In fact I’m trying to avoid weight loss. I just want to make sure I don’t cross over to the dark side. I just want to maintain my weight not loss it. I’ve read growth hormone can help maintain weight. I eat highly nutritious and calorie dense but cheap food to make up for the fasting. Beef liver, eggs, sardines, high fat milkshakes etc. high calorie and nutritious. I enjoy food and want to use fasting as a tool to be healthy mentally and save money where I can because of my temporary bad economic situation. The mental freedom to know that I’m not going to die and can save money and actually use that money for something better to hopefully get out of this situation is amazing.

Is this diet sustainable?

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You sustain by doing a 22/2 pattern - or at least that is one one way that you can :) so 22 hours of the day you fast and then you give yourself a 2 hour eating window - but you know, a lot of this is what you’re eating when you do eat and it seems you’ve got it down Pat! Keto/carnivore … or even Mediterranean … are all great diet options.

So happy for you and your results ! Not many people make it to this point, a lot of yo-yo’ing going on.


If you haven’t lost weight and your body seems to do well on your diet, I’d say it’s sustainable for you. We are all built differently but it sounds like you eat calorie dense foods and take care enough that your body handles it well. Also, your body will adjust to the fasting periods if you keep that schedule consistently, so you will find it maintains its balance well. Happy fasting! I hope the depression and anxiety continue to wane


Cold showers give you a big kick and leave you feeling exhilerated for hours. It reduces feelings of inflamation (body pain) and you feel like there’s a bounce in your step. They’re very good for mood.

Yes it’s sustainable. Abundance is not normal, it’s a very recent thing in the West. You’re living closer to how you would ancestrally. If you need to gain wait then eat more, especailly fat.

Doctors arent nearly what you imagine they are. They don’t give a damn, most are there to collect a paycheck, theyre not about helping anyone - they’re not hot on new ideas or really fixing anyone and really theyre just there today as a spokesman for the the current health narrative. When you find a good one its like finding hens teeth - they’re rare.

Pushups, squats. Do each as many as you can, as fast as you can, terrible form, and try to get faster and faster. Make speed your target, eat enough protein and you’ll build muscle.

Growth hormone, if you fast 2 days (ideally 3) your body produces a TONNE of HGH naturally to preserve the body.

Write down the weight you want and then eat more if you go above it.


Good for you. Sounds like you are finding that sweet spot and healing naturally. I think like others mentioned that you are okay as long as you are not losing a ton of weight or getting addicted to the high of being skinny which is doesn’t sound like. Health number one!

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