| | Water Fasting

I've never managed to fast longer than 1-2 days. Tips how did you do it?!

I wish I could do it with someone. :/

Also, how do you work at the same time? I was so weak that working was out of the question. I want to do this on my next vacation, but will seriously need some help.

Do you know any retreats I can join and do this in a group?

Stop Fasting Alone.

Get a private coach and accountability partner for daily check-in's and to help you reach your fasting goals. Any kind of fasting protocol is supported.

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For me I focused on my goal. My first fast was for 21 days and the first 10 were the hardest. I had a good support system which helped too. I also documented my progress. I fasted for health reasons so I was highly motivated to succeed. Even if you have different goals be sure to write down and read and reread your goals during time that are rough. My fasts after my first were way more easier so keep it in mind. Once you succeed at your goal you really find out just how strong you are. If 1-2 days is very difficult for you, maybe having a goal of 3 days be your goal and as you start to wane know that it is just a little longer to go. Good luck!


I started with a 16-8 intermittent fast and over many weeks expanded My fasting window to one meal a day. Then I was able to go completely water fast and today I am on my fifth day. The process of expanding My fasting window took over 2 months.


Honestly for myself it was all about goals. I had a goal to lose weight when I did it several years ago and that is how I was able to get into the military. I gained it all back and then some after the military and I myself need to start again. Personally, I wanted it so bad that I was more hungry for the results than the actually hunger which faded after a couple of days. Best of luck!


I added a tablespoon of coconut oil and took supplements and vitamins. Maybe it was a placebo effect but mentally that safety net made it easier for me. They warn that the first 3 days are the hardest and they are but once you get through, it is well worth it!


Not everyone will be able to relate with my experience when I say that I tend to detach from my work when necessary. Sometimes my priority is to do the fast the best I can and do nothing more than expected from me career-wise. Fasting is ultimately a form of self-care, so I evaluate how important a work-task is compared to the needs of my goal which will ultimately be mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically rewarding if all goes well. A retreat would be a nice way to do it!

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