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I haven’t actually felt any better from IF

I haven’t felt any worse either just to be clear. But I’m always reading and hearing about how people have so much more energy and they just don’t get hungry anymore. I haven’t noticed any change in my mood, and I’m always so hungry in the mornings. And cold! So cold in the mornings! It’s so annoying cause my school is so cold and I’m the only one who seems to notice. And ive been doing IF for months now. I’ve lost nearly 20 pounds. But ive also never had low energy so that could be it.

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I feel absolutely crappy when I eat carbs. Now I’m on keto and can go all day without eating no problem.

Seriously if I have cereal before bed, I wake up ravenous.

If I have peanut butter on a low carb tortilla wrap before bed, I’m good to go until the evening meal next day.

It really sucks cuz I love sugar, but I like energy and losing weight more.


Maybe tweak what you’re eating. You know your body better than anyone- what meals , what foods do you feel good after eating?

Example; I feel best when eating more primal/ carnivore… basically low glycemic. when I eat more vegetables like peas, corn, carrots & grains I feel like absolutely exhausted…

But all our bodies are wired differently, tweak what works for you- maybe start a food journal to find a correlation

Good luck!


I started in 2019 taking about three months to get to where I was only eating one main meal in the evening with family and a light supper later. Over the next year I found that my apatite reduced. I suspect that my stomach has shrunk as now I I eat smaller serving sizes to be full. A meal that I had easily eaten before would now leave me uncomfortably full.

I have to admit falling off the wagon between being unemployed and switching a couple of jobs including working from home. I still eat smaller portions though. I’m working to get back to it.


I was watching a podcast with Ben Bickman who is a research PhD and teacher at a University and he loves IF but he says the science leans towards eating at the start of the day and then stopping mid afternoon so maybe consider that?


Hey OP, some things I always say to consider:Sleep. Water. Exercise. Food. Fiber. Stress.

Id see how much of each you’re getting and the quality of the amount you are. A lot of times I’ve noticed my energy can be directly dependent on one of those, even if I have everything else buttoned up close to perfect. In regard to you being cold, you could be dehydrated/low iron/just lost a bit of weight that may have been insulating you better than you think.

If you can accommodate, I’d say drink more water and layer up to see if that helps. If not please consult your Dr to get some blood work done. Exercise can also improved circulation especially cardio and resistance.

When you do break your fast, i would recommend keeping a journal of what you do eat/drink. It may help you determine the issue. It sounds like you eat pretty well already so this should be easy.

Another factor could be stimulants, coffee/tea is good but some people could be overdoing it and have taxed their adrenals so they feel tired af even after 4 shots of espresso. If that sounds like you (which honestly…same) then I’d say look into cycling off caffeine for a while to let your adrenals get a tolerance break.

Congratulations on your 20 pounds that’s really incredible and I hope my information was helpful.

Good luck to you fasting friend.


The only mental difference I’ve noticed is that I seem happier, but I think I can attribute that to the weight loss. I get cold too, mainly my fingers. It sometimes helps to walk around and do stuff, but that’s difficult when you’re in school. I’m just happy it works for weight loss, for me.

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