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Hung over from dessert?

Yesterday I had my dinner of steak and mashed potatoes and, having plenty of calories to spare, I decided to have dessert for the first time in over a month.

I decided to indulge in a couple eggo waffles w/ some real maple syrup, mostly because I was tired of them taking up space in the freezer…and because someone ate the rest of my pistachio gelato.

They were so yummy, don’t get me wrong, but about an hour after eating them I had a headache and I felt stoned. Like I literally went back and received the nest cam footage of me talking and I sounded inebriated. Slurring words and everything.

This morning I still find myself with a mildly persistent headache and an absolutely pervasive hunger for starchy foods. I don’t even like bagels and yet my roommates bagels are calling to me “fuck her, eat me, you know you want me”.

Is this a thing? That you eat so clean for a month that your once favorite food just jacks your whole system up? Two months ago I would eat 6 waffles as an afternoon snack, no problemo.

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I too recently ate some frozen carb-heavy foods that were taking up too much space in the freezer and zonked out heavy for a few hours after. A good reminder why I shouldn’t eat stuff like that often (and it wasn’t even like super tasty enough to be worth it)…


Waffles and Pancakes with maple syrup is like kryptonite to me. Before fasting, I would crash so hard in a couple of hours I would start feeling so shaky and would tremble. I can deal with it much better now.

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