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I could use some motivation

I’ve been sober from alcohol for 18 nights after drinking for 10 years straight. I feel amazing mentally but I feel I’m falling off track with my weight loss journey. Ive been eating alot the last 18 days and have been slowly putting on weight. Just a few words of inspiration, advice, or anything that could help is appreciated<3

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You may not feel like you’re making progress in the short term, but your sobriety is likely the single best thing you can do for your health (weight, yes, but also mental health, longevity, etc.) as well as for yourself and your relationships! I know I’m a stranger, but I’m so proud of you for making this hard choice. You seem to be committed to taking care of yourself and your body, and that is a beautiful thing.


Congratulations on your sobriety and good job on your hard work thus far. My advice is just win in the present. Dont worry about the past or the future, just win today with your eating habits. Sometimes we as humans do things unconsciously. I know Ive gone through 4 bags of chips at 12am just eating something while working on the computer or watching a movie. Just try to live in the present and be aware when youve gone back to the fridge or pantry for something to eat and divert yourself to another activity. maybe some physical exercise or even just writing or drawing, something to get your mind and body away from wanting to eat too much. Keep up the Good work and Good luck on your journey


3 months sober here, lost 10 lbs in the process.

You’ve got this!!

Looking back through your post history – you’ve overcome many things! i can tell you’re someone who has a lot of willpower, so I’m completely confident that you can stay the course and not get derailed.

If you ever need to touch base with someone who has gone through similar ups and downs, please don’t hesitate to say hi. Doesn’t have to be serious, sometimes we just need to vent.


I’m 4 months sober in a week, you got this! 🥰 talking to someone really helps, in my community we have a free counselor I talked to her quite a bit, it helps alot honestly. See if your community offers any free counseling services, I know it can seem scary and cause anxiety but it’s worth it honestly it helps alot.

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