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Trying IF again. Could use some encouragement. Need to lose 68 lbs

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I would recommend starting with an IF interval that you 100% know you can keep. Can you do a 13:11 (circadian)? Start there for week 1. If your feeling good, add an hour for week 2. Keep adding 1 hour so long as what you are doing keeps feeling sustainable. Consistency is the name of the game.


Not sure if this would help in your situation, but I get an hour for lunch at work. Since I fast until the work day is over, I go for a 45 minute walk outside as weather permits.

It’s a great mental health break, and light exercise in a fasting state definitely helps with weight loss.

As long as you’re not out of breath, your body is metabolizing fat during light exercise while fasting.


Remember that the fat adaptation from IF is the magic behind making it easier to consume less calories. It is ultimately your calorie deficit that will help you lose fat.

Do not fall for the “eat whatever you want during your window” trap, it just doesn’t work that way.


Focus on setting good habits, limiting carbs, and staying hydrated. Another thing I paid more attention to after I started IF is not overeating, eat at a normal pace and stop when you’re satisfied. Since starting IF I’ve stopped at the end of so many sandwiches or half pieces of pizza. It sounds wasteful I guess, but I feel so much better not being completely stuffed all the time.


Intermittently fasting, will put you into ketosis at some level unless you are eating a late dinner and early breskfast, which is hardly IF. I would reccomend preparing your body to where it gets fat adapted so you can avoid hunger pains of typical low cico diet .otherwise it makes the process rather miserable and feels like starving yourself rather than just running off the ol belly battery.


I look progress pics and read the stories of the folks who say, “I eat what I want, I just stick to 16/8 and made all this progress”. Because even tho I started making healthy choices once I started fasting, I needed to know I didn’t have to.


I’m one week in and lost 1.8lbs. Not focusing on the scale but rather being a healthier person. But the scale did provide me with some encouragement! I haven’t changed what I’m eating. Just focusing on the window. You got this.


Good luck! I’m about 2 weeks in and it helps me to focus on non scale victories. So adjusting to the window and making good choices during my window. I also found YouTube videos helpful and an app called Fastic bc it says (12 hours your body is doing this..) and I find it helpful knowing that every so many hours of a fast serve a purpose. It’s easily becoming a habit. I’m doing 18-6 but sometimes push for 20-5 or 19-5. The main thing is that I don’t eat past 7:00pm. I find lots of helpful tips on this site and seeing before/after pictures of other people a year in has been helpful.


Start slow, maybe 14:10, do that until you feel comfortable. Then move up to 16: 8 and you can stay there as long as you need. Some continue at that until goal. If you feel the need to move up to 18:6 then move up, if not don’t. Everyone’s journey is different. You will find your groove. If you try to go too fast you will give up. 20:4 OMAD is not for everyone. Do what works for you! You got this!


Me too my friend. Best of luck to you.

If it’s any consolation I’ve found 18:6 so much easier this time than last time. I don’t feel hungry ever and I never use up all my available calories in the 6 hours I’m eating.

I’m hope you find it a really good experience this time.


There is no “trying again.” There is just doing. You are going to consciously limit your eating hours and do the best you can with the knowledge that you have. Don’t stick to hard limits that you “pass/fail” at. It’s not a test. Relax and go easy on yourself. When things start to happen, it will get easier and easier.


I just started up IF again on Monday there. Lost 9lbs already.
I combine it with keto, weight lifting and longer cardio walks. I usually eat at between 12pm-6pm each day. This weekend I did one meal a day. My advice is to ease into it if you’re not used to it. Way I started was to cut out snacks and soda. And focus on mainly eating meals. I started with a 12:12 before doing what I do now. Also I drink only water and black coffee. Found I started wanting to eat junk food when drinking zero calorie soda due to old eating habits, so cut it out. Black coffee in the morning helps with hunger and drinking plenty of water at night helps with the eating when feeling bored mentality. Best advice I can give is adapt IF around your schedule and find what works for you. Best of luck


You can do it OP!

I’ll say - I’m on my second try with IF also. The first only lasted a few months, but they were admittedly productive months for weight loss.

So far, I am feeling good about this one. For one, I know what I’m getting into and choosing it actively. For two, I’ve been focusing a lot on my mental health this past year. In the past my falling off the wagon or struggling has always been the most related to getting overwhelmed elsewhere in life and running out of f’s to give. I really hope this one sticks. I hope you can do it too =)


I find keto and IF go hand in hand. Couldn’t imagine doing OMAD on SAD; find that feasting on keto in the morning leaves me satieted for the whole day. Lost 85 lbs (5’9” 222 lbs to 135 lbs) in a year, have maintained for four years now. I have never enjoyed food this much since childhood.


Congratulations on making the choice to improve your life.

The below resources will be helpful for you:







Start slow. First day, do 12:12 and then increase your fasting time from there. Read Jason Fung’s book Obesity Code and listen to Dr. Jamnasas and Dr. Berg on YouTube. Soon enough, you will see the pounds melting off of you. Good luck!


My 2 cents is running/cardio makes you hungrier and the few hundred calories you burn a few times a week aren’t worth it. Better to fast 500-700 calories a day with a reasonable cheat meal on the weekend.

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