Hey guys! Like most people, I find late hours to be the most delicious. But is it just a habit? Is it possible to get rid of it? That is, would my organism adapt and stop craving food?
I just love making my life easier. /s
Would like your opinion on what would be the most effective diet practices and habits to implement in someone's life? Something like eating more veggies, some low-hanging fruits that most people have about their diet that would make a huge difference...
Been doing18:6 for about 3 weeks. Going well, sleep is slowly improving, feeling less bloated, some weight loss. It’s been pretty easy overall as I learn and adjust and dial it in. Well, today, 6 pm, 6 full...
I have IBS (primarily runs), and have been on medication (Linzess) for it, but I’ve gone a few days in between #2 bathroom breaks consistently. For my OMAD (4 weeks), I’ve been eating healthy and balanced. On previous diets...
For 11 weeks, I fasted 16 hours or more every day. No breakfast, no late night snack and extended fasts semi- weekly. I tracked all my food, increased my H2O intake and lowered my carb...
My main goal is weight loss, lose ~50lbs, and have lost 7.5 lbs so far over the past 6.5 days. I want a beach body by June. In addition to fasting I’m doing cardio during lunch and will be swimming...
Hello everyone! I'm a 17 year old male. About half a year ago I got started on antidepressants, these meds make me hungry all the time. Because of this, I gained 12 kg in half a year. Now I'm trying...
Apologies in advance for the detail. I'm currently doing 21:3 intermittent fasting and my 3-hour eating window is in the evening. But I'm still getting incomplete bowel movements. I would have thought this issue would go away if I'm only...
I recently lost weight through intermittent fasting and skipping, now I want to build muscle. I was wondering how to integrate intermittent fasting, weight training and running, in order to achieve increased muscle and also able to run the distance I...
I've really loved this sub for fasting advice, was wondering of anyone had any advice for healthy vegetarian meals? I'm trying to heal my intestines, not trying to lose weight. I just started doing mostly vegetarian last...
I did IF in the late summer, with weight loss as the primary goal. It worked - I lost 11 lbs. in six weeks. The biggest challenge was trying to stop using artificial sweeteners and I caved after...
I was thinking about the past when I was fasting every single day. Pushing myself through so much discipline in so many other ways for no real reason. Now I’ve found a better middleground. But I clearly...
I’m still in the very beginning of my journey but I’ve noticed that this lifestyle seems to make it easier to resist going back to bad habits. It would be fun and inspiring to hear which habits you’ve managed to...
I’m 39M 170cm/5’7 and have been slowly approaching 80kg/176lbs. Tomorrow will be day 3 for me, so far so good. My routine is as follows: Morning- one cup black coffee, two teaspoons of psyllium husk with water and a NAC...
just curious how you'd describe your diet quickly if asked. (bonus if you mention what you'd consider "ideal" and whether you'd like to change or improve your eating habits.)
Hey folks. Great community - I appreciate the focus on positive change in here. I have formalized a 16:8 schedule and am moving forward with a goal of losing 40 lbs (280 --> 240 lbs @ 6' 5" (obviously American... target...
hey all. does anybody else have the uncontrollable urge to binge after a fast??? it's hindering my weight loss and idk what to do 😭 even just 24 hours i can't stop thinking about food, and then i eventually eat...
Hey everyone! I’m very fresh to the community and I wanted to take this opportunity to ask a question after I started IF for the second time now. Little bit of context: I (21F) am not a beginner, I started IF for...
Hi, There are so many apps and it's hard to know which to pick. Since you're all more experienced than I am, I'd love to hear your opinions on the IF apps out there. Thank you!
Hello I’m doing the 16-8 fast. Every time im going through the week I give in and eat food during my fast periods. What are some methods you use in order to get through the rough periods. I just need...
Hello all, just as the title says im curious if what i am doing is wrong I try to fast 16 hours a day with an eating period of 8 hours. I saw in the description of the sub that intermittent...
Howdy! I just completed my first 24hr fast. I was told by a friend to use an app to help track fasting times and results. She recommended Fastic, which seems to be great for the fast she was doing (16:4), but...
My first fast was a 4 day fast. I had my struggles but I know that if I did it again it would be easier. Then again I do like eating food so it does get old... That would be...
Everytime I prepare for a fast (like today) I just give into eating and psychologically tell myself that I need to eat, and just east - I have a food addiction and I want to FAST for all the benefits...
I got so excited by the noticeable, measurable progress and getting within 10 lbs of my GW, that 2 peculiar mental twists snuck in: 1) I should celebrate by being more lax and eating junk food; and 2) I should...
I've been doing 18-6 for over 2 weeks now and I haven't lost much weight. What am I doing wrong. M40 Started 212lb 210 today
I've had fasts before but they never exceeded the 72 hour period. I found a lot of times I feel absolutely alive and different when i fast. I'm doing it for the self control however and the health benefits, not...
Does anyone have experience with water fasting for 36-48 hours and then eating mostly healthy foods with a treat or two on the third day and then repeating this? I am pretty experienced with 36-hour fasts and mainly eat that...
So, I have a touch of anxiety in general. Nothing extreme, but I am just kind of jumpy with a low startle threshold. I've been doing 20 hour fasting since the beginning of January and I have noticed times when...
I've tried IF for 16 hours from 6.30pm to 10.30am the following day. In the best case scenario, I sleep with my daughter by 8.30pm, wake up the next day, have a black coffee at 7.30 am and break the fast...
After waterfasting , did you lose your eating habits, also what was your weightloss? I'm gonna start waterfasting tomorrow for 10days, first time, main focus is losing weight and the bloat and starting a whole new eating habit afterwards.
Hello, I began IF sometime in 2021 Summer, and lost about 25-30lbs (starting wt: 170lbs) in combination with exercise. However, there are days, where I eat a proper meal (300+ cals!!) that break my fast, at 10pm or 11pm, because...
Topic. Having a hard time emotionally, all kinds of food thoughts shooting trough my head all day long. I am en emo eater, my weight has jojed up and down between 80kg and 108kg the...
i'm a 27 old man, who weighs around 280 or 300lbs, with my height being 6'1 or 6'2 im not sure, but anyway i wanna lose this weight, so i can get down to 175lbs. any advice would be nice. ps if...
so, long story short, i (F24) lost 130 lbs in 12 weeks with rolling 96s and lots and lots of daily cardio (often 3-4 hours a day). i was strictly carnivore during this time. i started at 290 lbs at...
So I have been attempting all week to break the 24 hr mark and get the ball rolling on an extended fast. My only hang up is in the middle of the night, I have a habit of shooting straight...
It's been 2 days, without any snacks I just drink water. Will this subside and my body will eventually get used to it?
Hey guys and gals! I have a couple questions for the community in regards to energy drinks and pre workout(I’ve been doing IF for a week now, so I’m new) I’m going to start working out, and it will be...
I’ve been doing IF for 2 years and it was fantastic. But in the last 3 months I’ve gained about 15lbs back. Nothing has changed in my routine. 16:8 with about 1800cal a day. I think my body has adapted...
Title. (I'm not exercising much, I'll admit)
Hey there! Trying to get going with intermittent fasting, but I have problems with waking up in the middle of the night, and feeling completely out of control when it comes to eating. Could just be habit from when I was...
Has anyone experienced headaches while doing a 24 hour fast? Recently I’ve tried this but get to late morning before it starts to come on. Drinking plenty of water so doubt it is dehydration; could it be caffeine withdrawal ?...
Just for context I am a 200ish pound 17 year old boy, and I don't really exercise that much and I don't eat very much junk food but I make a lot of food for myself and it tends to...
Hi Guys :) I am trying to fast but i cant drink coffee without some kind of sweetener. I have been trying erythritol in my coffee instead of Aspartame/Acesulfame K but i've been having SERIOUS Stomach problems (really really...
I was struggling hard with late night cravings yesterday and most people I talked to were like “go drink water to fill your stomach.” I get that, but it doesn’t solve my problem where my belly is fine but my...
Im looking to start a 5 day fast, first one was easy because i had flu but now im hungry as hell and could do with some motivation 😁
I am too frugal to pay for the full Zero app and it seems the free version is slowly losing features. Or their being hidden. Any decent alternative apps for those of us not needing all the bells & whistles...
Work and personal stuff got the best of me and I let it affect my eating habits. half of 2021 was hell and the holidays was the nail in the coffin. Lost 30kg (66lbs) over 2 years and now I...
I’ve been doing 16:8 fasting for a while now, sometimes I’ll switch it up and do 18:6, my intention is to lose weight but also want to maximize the benefits that come with fasting. I have my calorie intake set...
Hey ladies! Would love to learn about your workout routines here :)
Hello Everyone ! This is the first time I am posting on this subreddit, and I wanted to ask a few questions regarding IF I am 90kg in weight, and am 174cm tall. My target weight is 72kg so that I can...
I was able to fast for 3 days after never fasting before. Then i started going down like 1-2 day fasts and now i cant even make it to a day. I dont want to eat but i always...
Hi so i started IF a month ago and its been going fine i dont think ive broken it once Im not wven that hungry right now and my eating period starts at 12 (in 1.5hrs) do u think its ok...
I started IF a week ago. How often do you check your weight? I’m thinking I’ll check next week after 2 full weeks. I don’t want to focus too much on the weight, but rather staying disciplined. At the same...
Hi folks, just posting to kinda kickstart myself back on a snake diet regimen. A while back I was able to do some 48s and 72s, but quickly kinda slide back into old habits. My relationship with food is...
Do you allow them? If so, how often?
Are you starting a new fast this week? We'll be posting this thread every Sunday, at the beginning of every calendar week, so you can check in and tell us about your plans for a fasting this week!
I’m doing a extended fast at least 14 days, and I don’t know if I should lift weights during this time some days I can and others say no you will lose even more muscle. Should I just not do...
I have always been overweight for my height. I have always felt so bad about myself. The only thing that gives me happiness and results is waterfasting. Everytime i do it it’s like im becoming a whole new person. But...
I am the one who cooks for the family and as part of cooking I ve had to taste check the dishes I ve made. Does it would be considered as breaking fast??
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
I’m new to IF, trying to lose 20lbs. I switched to 16:8 last week from 14:8. I start my fast at 6pm and break at 10am. i’ve been so massively bloated all week. My diet hasn’t changed, just the...
I'm trying to lose weight and that's because I'm overweight obviously... And this is the first time for me to follow our diet so i'm eating anything i like but at the same time i'm following calorie deficit all under the...
Say I wanted to lose about 100 pounds in 120 days or so, what routine is best? How long do you think it would take me to lose 10 waist inches? Thanks.
Hi. So, I'm on a new weight loss kick/plan/journey idk what to call it. I want to feel healthier. I'm doing some more cardio and counting calories but I think IF will help me a bunch. But I'm not sure...
Little context, i'm (M) 6'8" bounce around 250-260lbs. Not in high school sport shape anymore and don't have as much time to workout anymore with studying for nursing school, clinicals and working. I'd like to stay in a decent weight range,...
I'm just wondering what effect would brushing your teeth 🪥 have on the healing process? Are there any benefits from brushing your teeth?
Is this normal? Maybe I should add exercise?
I’m on a 16:8 plan which I started 4 days ago. Everything has been going quite well. So today, I was dishing out yoghurt [medium fat strawberry- Parmalat] into a small dish for lunch and out of habit, I accidentally...
31, F, 5'4" 72 kgs - I've been on IF since June, 2020 - when the pandemic started. 16hours and 8 hours - I eat within 8 hours - 2 hours, and continue to stay off food for the next...
38 m 6'1" Cw 330 Gw 230 I'm going to start doing this and am attempting to do 16:8 fast. My meal plan is going to consist of 2 meals a day. My meal plan looks like it should be about 1600 cals...
I'm 23Male, i hate how my life is leading. I'm 118kgs and 6.5 height and I look like 30, I used to lift heavy weights two years back but now I left the workout and everything and my chest had...
I’m just not eating before noon, ever. I have my first meal at 12 and stop eating after dessert around 9pm. Is it accurate to say that I am “intermittent fasting”? Or am I just skipping breakfast? I just don’t...
I am male 175cm 5'9" tall weighing 88Kg 194lbs. Last year, I was 93Kg and went down to 89Kg within a couple of months. Since I posted some photos here, I fell off the wagon and stuck at 88Kg. I am having...
Hi all I'm starting a new fast today and will be doing a 72h minimum fast every first day of the month. My question is, what are your plans after you finish the fast ? Do you commit to never eating or drinking...
Up until now I usually did 17:7, from 6.30pm to 11.30am, but I found that I snack a lot in the afternoon. Can I just add a short fast between lunch an dinner, so I'm less tempted to snack? That...
Hey y'all, I'm looking for any suggestions that you may have for IF apps. Preferably one that is free or has a free version that isn't always reminding you off premium and also isn't lacking. I know that might be...
I've done IF for a few months and seen some results But I'm thinking maybe going back to normal habits and eating a few meals, I'm just left feeling weak all day.... If I went back to normal eating habits but...
I do 8-16 IF, I typically eat between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Most weekdays I do a class at my gym at 9:30 a.m. that is usually a mixture of cardio, weights and abs, or sometimes Zumba. I manage...
Since I have been on my fasting journey. Down a total of 67lbs so I am about halfway there! I spend a lot of time thinking about weight loss and weight gain and one thing just sticks in my head....
i see so many people on here like "yeah lol i fasted for 2 weeks, good times". does daily alternating even work????
I have done intermittent fasting for years and it has been great for me to maintain my weight. Recently though, I find myself eating more after my fast to the point where I’m too full. It has caused me to...
Interesting 2min clip where Matthew Walker talks about sleep deprivation and how it negatively affects our appetite (e.g., hunger, satiety hormones)
Question though. I take CBD:THC 1:3 tincture everyday for OCD and anxiety. Has anybody ever done IF while consuming THC products?
Some people suggest that 18 hour fasting is significantly better than 16 hours. Does 2 hours really make that much difference? Seems a little unlikely no? (Goal here is weight loss)
Has anything been proven to prevent hunger overnight?