| | Water Fasting

I jumped in! Here’s my experience thus far…

I’ve been soft dry fasting since 7/24. I am f (37) 5’4 SW: 164.6lb CW: 158 so I’ve been losing 3 lbs a day.

I’ve done IF and extended water fasts, OMAD. So I decided to try dry fasting. My husband is gone for the week. My goal is to dry fast until 7/29 and then start water fasting until 8/2, re introduce “food” on 8/2.

So far… I’ve been feeling very lethargic. I have a desk job and am alone so the temptation of food is just not there. Im not cooking for anyone and no one is cooking at all. No temptations whatsoever.

I take allergy meds every day and drink them with water so I allow very little water once a day.

Last night was noteworthy bc I couldn’t sleep, had a headache and my shoulder (old injury) was bothering me out of nowhere. I stuck it out and eventually the pain went away and I fell asleep.

This morning, I woke up with arthritic pain in my leg. This usually happens when it’s going to rain. No rain announced today but you never know Or it could be my body healing itself. Hoping it’s the latter!

I’ve had 3 c-sections and have that awful pouch and some injuries (shoulder/foot/leg pain) and I’d like to see if fasting will resolve or improve them as well as lose the final baby weight. Had my baby in May 2021, weighed 210 at delivery so while I’ve Managed quite a feat, I’d like to get down to the 140s and maintain.

Based on my research, for my food refeed, I’m going to drink a green smoothie no milk, water, little fruit and lots of veggies. For my dry refeed, just lots of water and nothing else.

Any recommendations on my dry to water refeed and water to food refeed?

Edit for an update: I’ve had insomnia pretty pretty bad. It’s 2am and I’m still lying there. Obviously tired but can’t sleep. Yesterday, I finished reading a book and was finally able to sleep until 730. I got my period but I’m still going ahead since I’m not in pain or anything like that. As of today, I weighed in at 154.8 which puts me at an almost 10 lb loss since I started. I don’t see my skin clearing up but my pouch has decreased significantly. Funny how I thought the 150s were going to be enough. I was in the 150s after my first pregnancy and looked really good. Now not so much. So down to the 140s I go. Wish me luck!

Edit: I wasn’t feeling well and so I drank water and I’m Totally ok with it! I lost a total of 10 lbs. I’m so freaking proud of myself. Trying not to guzzle water but it’s hard not to. Now I will continue to water fast until next week! CW: 153.8 GW for this fast: 147

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Your food reintroduction sounds good. Just be careful when you do begin drinking water again not to guzzle. Drink in smaller increments. After a longer dry fast it can overwhelm the body to put too much water into your system. Good luck!


Protein refeed. You need those building blocks to rebuild after all that breakdown. I’d drink milk if you have no issues with it.

The pain can be a sign of inflammation, which is part of the healing process. I think your instinct about it healing is correct.

Good luck

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