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My water fasting experience so far - need inputs from experienced people

To introduce my context: I am not fat. I’m water fasting because I would like to get leaner and maybe show some muscle in a few weeks when I’m on holidays. I’m 23yo, 1,73m and 68kg. You could say I am a bit skinny fat (which I despise).

I am writing this at my 54th hour of water fasting, although I’m not really sure one can still call it that. I ate:

The reason I did this was because my brother bought home delivery sushi and I just couldn’t help it, I didn’t ate too much though. I was determined to go on with the water fasting. The problem is this past weekend I’ve had a huge fever, changed cold sweaty clothes 3 times during the night, waking up every hour, feeling miserable.

Today I had some important things to do so I ate a soup to make me feel better, and the croissant was just a stupidity because at this point I don’t even think that water fasting is viable anymore since “I broke the rules”.

In conclusion I pure water fasted for 30h, snacked twice and ate a soup because I got a huge fever in the process. Need input from people who have already water fasted. Should I continue towards my 7day goal? Or did I already compromised it?

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This isn’t a religion. Not technically a water fast but if you do your 7 days you had a 4.5 day water fast with some build up.

The only thing about fasting is that you are running your body out of food and glycogen reserves, you topped yours up a bit no big deal. You are still dropping pounds just because you had a bite of suishi. The water fasting god isn’t striking you down.

And if you manage a 4.5 day fast with a 2 day lead up to it, god damn, well done. For most people thats madness it takes crazy discipline. I’ve fasted a bunch and never broke the 100 hour mark (96 hours)


Sounds like you are doing a restricted calories diet and not a fast. The issue you may encounter is eating carbs while on restricted calorie diet. Carbs mean water retention. If you, as a skinny person, want to get rid of a bit of extra weight you will have to cut high glycemic foods. No underground veggies, no grains, no pasta, etc. But eating too much of anything at one time or too much fat or protein in one sitting will do the same, water retention and Glycogen storage

Water-fasting is good for dropping water weight and fat, but as a person of lower body fat, you risk doing less good for yourself by fasting too long.

If you find your will power is low trying getting better sleep and drinking lots of green tea. Read up on Gaba and how you can get more.

Eating a restricted diet that includes carbs runs the risk of the body breaking down muscle to get what it needs. Esp if you are exercising during diet. Eating carbs keeps your body in anabolic state, to get to your fat your body needs to be in catabolic state where it can use the stored fat efficiently. Water fasting is quickest and surest way catabolic state and ketosis.

Check out Thomas DeLaur on youtube. Lots of good information.


Veggies cooked soft in a large doses will do the same, raise blood sugar and activate insulin.

Get a sm bowl, like 1 - 2c size, and portion control.

Avoid underground veggies: potato, carrots, sweet potato, parsnip, onion, rutabaga

Eat moderate: brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage, tomato


I’d say its already compromised. But be proud you made it that far with just water. Try it again, and really abstain from the temptations. I cook homemade gourmet food for my husband every day. The labor it takes to make food while haven’t eaten for such a long time, its hard. What keeps me strong is my faith in the Lord. I remind myself what I’m doing this for, and He gives me the strength to resist and the energy to keep moving. Trust me even in ling extended fasts past 14day marks, I still get hungry and have cravings. But youve got to keep pressing on. Takes practice to fast too, just keep at it(:

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