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I start fasting for first time in my life


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I did that and lost about 25lbs for about 2 1/2 months. I would also watch what i ate on weekdays. Super low carbs and nothing fried. Weekends eat anything. Monday 24hrs fast sunday would be the last meal. Then monday dinner. Good luck! 👍🏼


I do fasting and low carb - the lack of carbs means my body feels more satiated for longer, so fasting is easier. I’d stress that it gets so much easier over time - if 16:8 is feeling hard, stay there (or even drop to 14:10 for a bit). Over time longer fasts become increasingly manageable, as your body gets more used to the idea of fasts and feeds, and more willing to give up its fat stores.

When I first started, I found 16 hours super hard. I am currently on hour 105 of a fast. It gets easier.

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