| | Water Fasting

I want to start dryfasting for the first time in my life.

How long is a safe duration to do it for someone with no experience? Also how often can I attempt another fast after I ended it? For example if I try a 24 hour fast, when can I attempt another one?

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Dryfasting is one of those things where someone’s opinion will be immediately dwarfed by your experience as soon as you do it yourself.

I suggest trying a 24 hour dry fast as soon as you want to, and see how you feel afterwards. As long as you’re not roofing in July in Texas, you’ll be completely fine and be better able to judge the frequency in which you can dry fast.


Do 48 hours You’ll be fine absolutely safe. Just don’t be too active, relax and listen to your body since you wouldn’t have ever truly done it before.

24 hours is OK but that’s when the fast begins in my opinion, so you’ll be ending it just as it really starts. The things we talk about and the benefits you’ll feel if you do 48 hours for sure. I can make a bet you’ll want to go longer too


firstly welcome to df world 🤙 and secondly i invite you to read up on the importance of electrolytes from the water fasting thread. all electrolytes especially salt are important for any fasts. people in this community who considered to be experienced have fainted while at work from either fasting too often or not monitoring their sodium and other electrolytes during a df. your first 24 hours might be challenging and your mental health could be on a journey.

so my advice to you is have some salt (more or less 1/16 tsp ) whenever you start having headaches. begin with tiny portions and see how you respond. salt helps with the symptoms of hyponatremia.

whether you go for 24 hours or more, your first time df, try your best to give yourself time to repair after your fast finishes. the time off helps your brain and body make sense of the activities and helps your mind adjust to the neurogenesis.

last point since you are new i also invite you to try a df where the only contact with water is showering or hand washing. you will see how much of a difference there is when there’s no water in the mouth. in my experience df without water contact in the mouth provided healing much sooner. see for your self👍

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