| | Water Fasting

I've been able to follow this diet for a week, need advice if it's feasible.

I follow a standard 16:8 fasting window, and in the 8 hour window I include my lunch and dinner.

Usually I don’t eat anything for breakfast naturally, just a black coffee 1 hour after I wake up and I train weights for an hour.

For lunch, I just eat an apple, pear, a handful of dates (not dried) and a banana with a whey protein shake.

Dinner would be the biggest meal of my day where I eat until I’m very full (typically includes 40-50 grams of protein, 250 grams of rice, steamed/stir fried vegetables, greek yog with chia seeds) and then begin the fast again.

I’ve found it very sustainable, just curious on my lunch being high in fructose. Any advice?

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If you’re meeting you goals, then break your fast with whatever you want.

Just make sure it’s part of your diet - macros and nutrients - and doesn’t upset your stomach.

For daily fasts, you don’t have to overthink it. Just make sure it’s working towards your goals, and not against them.


This type of setup would typically work well if you go to the gym a lot, and only have small amounts of excess weight.

If so, try asking this over at r/leangains instead. They specialize in this type of thing.


Breaking a fast with sugar isn’t generally recommended. Try some nuts or avocado instead and eat the fruit after or with it. The fat in the nuts or avo will help keep your blood sugar from spiking as much as just eating fruit on it’s own would.

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