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Is losing 5lbs a week too much?

Background: I’m 27% body fat 225, 6’0 tall

I have been doing rolling 72s for about 12 weeks straight and was losing about 2.5lbs a week (I wouldn’t track my refeeds since I lift heavy every single day) — but just recently in the past 2 weeks I’ve been getting more strict about diet. On my refeeds, I would eat 1 big salad with a 300grams of chicken and I’ve been doing also switched from 72s to 96s… and just found out in 2 weeks I lost 10lbs (6.3lbs fat, 1.6lbs muscle, rest water weight) — Honestly it felt really good and I’ve never seen the scale under 230 in a long time.


But now the question is this, 5lbs a week sounds like a lot to me lol since I’m used to \~2.5lbs a week and I’m getting a lot leaner. My only question is should I be worried at all I’m surprised I doubled my weight loss by getting more strict on my refeeds.

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I’d love that.

I started fasting last Saturday. Did an 84 hour fast, had a 550 calorie meal last night, and started fasting again. Will go until Friday night (72 hours), then have another meal of 500-600 calories, eat 1200 or less on Saturday, and fast again Saturday night through Tuesday night.

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