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Is my method of fasting unhealthy?

Just wanted to get a temp check from some people who know a lot more about this stuff than I do.

I have a weird work schedule. I generally get 7 days off in a row once every 4 weeks, work for 4 nights, have 3 off, work 3 days, 2 days off, work 3 nights, 3 off then 4 work days…followed by that glorious 7 off. Then the cycle repeats. It’s called a DuPont schedule and confuses the hell out of everyone so there’s no point wasting much more time on it. The point is I generally work 3-4 days at a time and have stretches of anywhere between 2-7 days off.

With that out of the way, a while back I had a lot of success with weight loss using a combination of intermittent fasting and keto. About 70 lbs in 6 months. … … well I gained that 70 back plus some once I fell off the keto wagon and indulged in everything I so desperately wanted for 6 months.

I’ve realized that if it means going back straight keto then I’ll inevitably fall into the same cycle.

So I’m trying relatively short extended fasts. 3-4 days while I’m at work with just water and coffee (with a little MCT oil) then allowing myself to eat whatever I want (within reason) on my days off. This includes the 7 days off. I’ve lost roughly 2-3 lbs per week doing this over two months but I’m jumping all over the place mostly due to water weight from the carbs.

Pretty much everyone I’ve talked to about this modified fasting system has told me that it is the definition of an eating disorder and that I’m wrecking my metabolism. None of them have any credibility/experience in the subject though.

So… yeah… does anyone have experience with a somewhat similar system? Can jumping back and forth so often actually destroy my metabolism?


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I feel like everyone throws around eating disorder anytime fasting is mentioned. The textbook definition of when a diet becomes and eating disorder is when it interferes with your life physically or mentally. Generally speaking if you feel good mentally and physically you’re likely fine.

Note: Within reason. Don’t just fast and binge on Oreos when refeeding causing your body to developed scurvey like a pirate.


Well, look at what some with disordered earing do and then ask yourself, do you see a resemblance? Second, part of the disordered eating is the mindset. Do you share some of them? Finally, where is the fire? One thing with any protocol for success is understanding how you will maintain your routine.

I can’t say if it is good or bad. There are pros and cons, and only you can decide what action you want to take. The key takeaway is to solidify your habits so that you can maintain what you are achieving.


I found alternate day fasting to be very flexible and get results. It’s much easier to plan and doesn’t take much effort to implement. Plus there are 2 nights of fasting. It’s easy to fast when sleeping.


I’m currently fasting 5 days and eating on the weekend. I feel the important thing is to not binge on eating days, really control the carbs. Don’t focus on eating “anything” you want but any healthy or lean foods. It’s so much better to fill up on a steak than cake or cookies. If you return to unhealthy eating habits after the fast you will always gain the weight back.


You might try the 2 months on a keto diet. 2 weeks off with low carb with slight indulgence.

Anyway you cut it over eating unhealthy food isn’t good for you. It’s not a diet it’s a healthier lifestyle over time.

Good luck on your journey.


Destroying one’s metabolism never made sense to me. Even if I did extreme things with my diet and yoyoed between weights drastically, would my body no longer require a certain amount of energy to maintain its crucial functions? Would I suddenly stop being able to move around because my metabolism is no longer capable of providing energy to sustain activity? Whole thing doesn’t make any sense.

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