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I want to know something about 18:6 fasting method

Hy guys, I had lost a lot of weight using 16:8 method but I also kept my food in check but now i have to eat a little more because i my mind occupid somewhere esle so can’t really eat very less, but i still have to loose 10kgs appx using 18:6 method. Please help me guys I have to do this asap.

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What do you want to know? 18:6 is just like 16:8 except your fasting window is two hours longer.

Also, what’s the reason you “have to do this asap”? It’s usually not a good idea to rush and pressure yourself to lose a certain amount of weight in a short timeframe. Weight loss is not a linear process. Especially if you are under stress with your mind occupied elsewhere, weight loss may be slower than your expectations. I find it’s better to focus on consistency with practicing IF, rather than judging how fast I’m losing weight. You did not gain weight overnight and you won’t lose it overnight either. But if you’re overweight, it’s better to lose some weight (even if it’s not as much as you hoped) rather than lose nothing, or gain more.

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