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Is non-organic beef tallow and bone broth and ghee still good enough?

Hello, I’ll start by saying I’m not in the USA, I live in the Middle East.

Organic meat products aren’t really a thing here, except maybe camel and possibly sheep. To be precise camels and sheep are fed on fodder, wether they are organic or not I don’t know (very unlikely though), rather than corn fed which I think leads to excessive omega 6 or something. All the advice on making use of the non meat animal products always call for grass fed and organic, which obviously is preferable, but if it’s simply not possible will the benefits of using ghee and bone broth and tallow still put weight the downsides.

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I guess it would depend on the omega 3 / omega 6 proportion in the fodder those camels and sheep are fed.

That said - as a vegan I can only say: no, you don’t need these types of foods. You’re better off eating legumes (whatever are local) and whole grains (or pseudo grains - again, whichever are available locally) and nuts &/or seeds for your healthy fats.

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