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Lets talk about fasted training

I’ve been doing 16:8 for a couple months and love it. But what are peoples experience with weightlifting and cardio 6-7 hours prior to first meal?

Example 05:00 AM: workout 08:00 AM: work 12:00 PM: break fast at work

Is it beneficial? Does it impact muscle growth and performance? What are peoples experience?

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In my experience there are no issues with fasted workouts other than I need to have longer breaks between sets cause I don’t have the blood sugar to keep a high pace.

If you are in a fasted state or ketosis you don’t want to use more energy than the body can get through only ketogenic synthesis so you need a slower pace.

If you go above that your body starts producing cortisol which in turn makes glucose from protein through a process called gluconeogenesis as an emergency type of fuel for the body.

For cardio it’s better to do HIIT than prolonged runs if you’re fasted as well for the same reason.

Other than that, just make sure you get enough protein during your eating window and you’re golden.


I run alot. I usually end up with 50 to 60 miles weekly.About 90 percent of that work is done fasted in very low intensity (zone 2 stuff). Anything more demanding intensity wise I like some glucosamine on board to get thru the workout. At which point I try to run the tank empty and continue staying on my window. I’ll do that mabey once a week.

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