| | Water Fasting

Looking to get to 185lbs or better by new years.

I’m 40M 5’11” started at 199.8lbs. I’ve only been doing omad since 11/25. I’m currently 195lbs but it seems to have been stabilized now as it hasn’t changed the last 3 days. I meal prepped for the entire week and weighed the food out. It’s approximately 800 calories with about 40 grams of protein. Lentils, onion, tofu, cauliflower, garlic chilis, spring mix greens, unsweetened coconut milk. Everything organic. I eat plant based. I lift/calisthenics, do HIIT after and stage 2 cardio in the evening 6 days a week. I drink water/mineral water with lemon or sometimes a teaspoon of acd pretty much all day.

My scale shows my basal metabolic rate is about 1985 calories. I’m new to fasting, but have felt so great with clarity and cognition improvement. I want to continue the fat loss but feel like it’s stalled.

My starting bf % was 16, it’s down to 15.5. I created a challenge for myself after finding some pictures of me when i was 18, i was 185lb then. So I’m trying to beat my 22 year flashback lol

Thank you in advance professionals 😉

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I responded to your other post, but it takes time to lose fat and 3 days is not a stall. You could keep doing what you’re doing, and you will definitely see results. It will probably take you about 3 or so days to lose a pound of fat, or 2-3 pounds per week. So you will get there by new year’s more or less. If you want to keep eating the same prepped meals but see results even faster, you could do longer fasts (like 36 or 48 hour).

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