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Lost it, gained it, stuck :(

I got down to my absolute dream goal weight and kept it off for nearly a year. But as soon as I stopped counting calories and lax in my fasting, it all came back. Now I’m struggling with cravings, eating outside my window, and it feels like I’m borderline obsessed with food when I am fasting. I feel like I just can’t get back on track. I’m not giving up though!

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I’m sorry for your struggle, know you’re not alone! I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m always obsessed with food, but I can be obsessively healthy or obsessed with planning my next gluttonous meal. Choosing the healthy path is worth it, even though it comes with challenges!


Highly recommend you check out “The Fasting Method” podcast. This is what is making the difference for me. I also was successful and got to my goal weight two years ago, only to gain half back. It is frustrating! Turns out, I needed to do more therapeutic fasting (24 hrs and more) and also TRE (time restricted eating).I’ve learned so much just from listening to this free podcast, it’s seriously changed my life. You can find it on YouTube and Spotify.


Yep. Happened to me too. I’m on about my 20th attempt to get back down again. Something’s clicked in my head right now and I’m having success sticking to the plan. But I’m saying that, I felt like this earlier in the year too and it didn’t stick.

I now have photos of me at my lightest on my phone and I look at them regularly. I really want to get back there again.

So frustrating isn’t it? We know we can do it because we’ve done it. So why is it so hard?


Absolutely feeling this. Lost a ton of weight but gained it all back over the year from overindulging in post-pandemic activities. Did ADF and worked out a ton to lose it, sooo much struggle toget back to it. I’m trying keto though now for a change up.


Dog i feel myself slipping. Last month has been chaotic. Grandma died, got my driver’s license, worked double shifts for 3 weeks, no days off, sleeping shitty, all that shit just stacked up against me and now I’m finding it hard to keep the weight going down. Lost the weight i gained but it’s a lot harder to excercise and eat healthy and shit. Going at a snail’s pace. I’m afraid of getting back to my old habits. Lost 17 kg already, and i wanna keep going. But it got hard.


It can be so demoralizing. I lost 180, in 8 months, Keto OMAD, calorie counting, and lots of hard work outs. But i tried gained 80 back in less than a year. Had to go back to work with lots of temptations and was trying to eat a more traditional diet. But it id slowly coming back off., OMAD, Keto calorie counting, and light workouts


You did it before and you kept it off for a year! Unless the circumstances are wildly different now, you can likely do that again. You’ve identified how the weight came back through not counting calories and being lax in your fasting. Incorporating that in your lifestyle is probably what’s going to set you up for long term health. So don’t worry about the weight too much right now. Be kind to yourself and tell yourself you’re worth the time and effort to count calories and stick to a fasting window.

Hang in there! You got this.


I also got down to my dream weight in 2020, kept if off for 6 months and then it slowly started to creep back on until I was back up to my highest weight ever,I am back on track again and am down 22 lbs with 14 left to go. I have a trip to Mexico in January so that is helping with my motivation.Key for me is avoiding sugar and staying active .


What helps me is the same thing soldiers use, don’t think it as “just 6 hours more” think of it as 5 minuts more, then 5 minuts more and so on, or even less

I read about how some soldiers got through hellweek, what helped him was to think on the small task, like stand up, get one sock on, then next, then one shoe, then next, it’s a good method for ppl who procrastinate :)


That’s what happened to me. I was super diligent and got down to my goal weight. But that lifestyle was not sustainable. My body wants to be a weight that isn’t what my eyes want. I’ve let myself go a little and I’m trying to get to a place where food isn’t an obsession. I’m not there yet


Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It is a paradigm shift and a lifestyle choice. If you treat it as a diet, once you revert back to your old eating habits you will gain all weight back and then some. Dust yourself off and get back on the horse babe.


I never quite got to where I wanted to be - but I did lose like 25lbs and felt really great about myself in 2019. Then, I did a backslide, gained almost all of it back (around 20lbs) and in all honesty I just felt so defeated and like I couldn’t do it again. I tried several times, but I kept failing. It’s so hard mentally to have gotten to a point and ‘ruined’ it all for yourself. I’m not sure what changed, but something clicked this time around and in 3 months I’m now down those 20lbs again, and feeling amazing. I still have about 10-15 more to go to get to where I think I want to be … but I’m back in the ‘normal’ weight range and it feels so great!!! I wish I knew what was different this time from all the other mis-starts, but I have no idea. LOL


That is the flip side of fasting!!! Lose the weight/ keep it off for some time/ start struggling and then you have gained it back and then some. You find yourself becoming a ravenous wolf eating anything in sight.

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