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Multi-day Fasting and snake juice for bacterial infection?

BACKGROUND: I have been having some crappy dental pain issues over the last 8 months. What started out as removing a single wisdom tooth, has turned into removing the second molar (beside original wisdom tooth).

During all of this, I was prescribed 1 ten day treatment of antibiotics. Two weeks later, the pain came back, another doctor put me on a higher course for 10-14 days, then three days later the pain came back, so I was put on other course of antibiotics. The antibiotics treatments took place over approximately 1-1.5 months. The dentist didn’t want to remove the second molar until the infection was taken care of (which makes logical sense).

The two bad teeth have been removed and I have been pain free for around 3 months. However, yesterday it all came back. Same localized pain and discomfort. No noticeable body temperature in the last couple of days.

INQUIRY: I know antibiotics are not ideal or even safe to be on for long periods or frequency (studies show around a minimal of 3 year break needed between treatments for a specific infection is ideal and safe).

So here I am back in the same spot. I am thinking of hitting fasting hard for at least 3 days, and I am wondering if anyone has had success with fasting for an infection? And if so, any tricks or advice? I have ultra high quality liposomal vit C and the best quality Vit D and zinc that I have been taking for months now along with really pricy pro-biotics to help my gut with the antibiotics I’ve been taking. Does anyone think taking these supplements would cause me to break the fast?

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Antibiotics can really mess up the balance of your gut flora and make you prone to C diff infections amongst other nasties.

It’s well worth taking probiotics for a while afterwards to help your gut recover. 1.5 months is a long time.

Symprove is great - it’s a liquid and a lot more of the bacteria survive on their way to your gut, but it’s kinda pricey. Or VSL#3 is well studied. The freeze-dried capsules you find in most health food shops aren’t brilliant but it’s better than nothing.

Eg https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23618760/


Oregano oil diluted with coconut oil can get through biofilm and resistant bacteria. I had a bacterial infection above my eye that would not heal. It was pretty bad. I was one powerful antibiotics that did nothing. I rubbed oregano oil diluted with coconut oil (do not apply undiluted oregano to skin or take by mouth it needs to be diluted) and the infection was clear within 3 days! It truly works. You can easily take some liquified coconut oil with oregano and swish that through the areas that are infected for a minute or two. Spit out after. I would recommend trying that at least 2 to 3 times a day. My doctor was very impressed that my infection went away. Unfortunately, because no antibiotics cleared it up, I was left with a small scar, but it would have been so much worse had I continued to take only antibiotics.

Talk to your doctor of course, but a lot don’t realize that oregano oil is a powerful antibacterial and van get through biofilms that prevent antibiotics from working. I would continue taking the antibiotics and finish the course, but adding oregano oil could truly cure your infection.

You can find some published medical studies on this if you look. My doctor ended up reading about this and now recommends this to patients who have infections that no antibiotics cure. Unfortunately, most doctors will scoff at this out of ignorance.

Good luck. That sounds miserable.


Fasting helps because it starves them. Look up biofilms and things like serrapeptase or natokinase. They help break down colonies of bacteria (biofilms) so that the antibiotics can actually penetrate them.

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