So I have a jpouch and run in to a problem when ending a fast. I end up producing tol much stomach aci and since my colon isn’t there, it goes right through me. So I have diarrhea for a...
I’ve heard it repeated multiple times that carnivore-dieters have very few and small bowel movements because of this alleged fact.
Ok, I can see how that title may have been a tad inflammatory but I do need to do just that, I'm having a colonoscopy. The procedure is sometime Wednesday but I figure I may as well do it in...
Will this enhance the benefits of fasting? Possibly harmful?
I'm an 19 year old male 100 Kg and I was Invited to go to my childhood friend's wedding as a best man so I decided to Loose weight as fast as possible via doing Dryfasting , It was pretty...
For context, I'm a 20yo man, 5'10 and 325lbs. About a month ago, I used Coles snake juice packets from Amazon. I got to about 43 hours then my blood pressure shot up and I had acute tatricardia. ...
If I fast from 8pm-12pm and wake up at 7am, for those 5 hours how much salt should I be adding to my water?
Post here about fasts you're starting or to provide progress updates in order to minimize overall clutter in the subreddit. Can also ask questions or set up accountability.
I was wondering if you guys have any recommendations of foods to break a fast with. I’ve read somewhere that you shouldn’t combine fats with carbs after a fast. Is this true? Another one was breaking fast with bone broth,...
I’ve been testing taking OTC anti diarrhea meds about half a day in. Any thoughts on this?
I tried OMAD, but I noticed my breath started to smell and my very regular bowel movements became interrupted. I didn’t like it so stopped after three days. But I’m wondering, does this settle over time?
I've been told the powerful detox of the water fast can be reduced to negligible if you don't help your body actually get rid of the toxins, like heavy metals, through supplementation with binders like chlorella and charcoal. Otherwise they...
I bought this drink, a Body Armor Lyte, and on the nutrition label, it says the drink contains 18g of carbohydrates but the whole bottle only has 20 calories. I was under the impression that 1g of carbohydrates is equal to...
1. The buffering of carbohydrate absorption is only important if your eating to much carbohydrates. 2. Your gut biome is very stable. It doesn't need a constant supply of fibre. 3. Peristalsis works totally fine without fibre. I think a good dose...
Hello Redditor, Im a little worried, I’ve been fasting right now for over 100 hours and I am still pooping at this stage… what is wrong with me, is my digestive system bad… I might go to a doctor, but...
Does anyone here have experience in curing hemorrhoids with fasting?
I am 2 weeks into OMAD (lunch only). Easy going so far, and I don’t feel too hungry. But by the evenings, I get gassy/bloated. Does anyone else have the same experience?
I've heard that leeks, asparagus and other vegetables are mild diuretics. What specifically do these vegetables contain that promote water expulsion? Is it possible that they could dehydrate?
Even when in eating my balanced diet with my fiber, veggies, lots of water I feel backed up. I feel fine physically but just seem to have digestion problems. When I throw in more...
I usually get hiccups if i dont drink enough water, how do i stop it so i can continue my dry fasting
I really want to complete a 10 day dry fast I’m so nervous lol although I did complete a 4 day. Dropped 19 pounds and helped my overall health. I felt fine I was just mentally ready to eat I’m...
I wonder if we can actually digest and absorb calories from xanthan/ guar gum and glucomannan. Nutrition labels claims that they have around 200-300kcal per 100g but they consists mostly of fibre. Do we digest and absorb this calories then?...
Today is Day 1 of my 14 day soft dry fast(25 hours in) Today wasn’t hard it’s just the mental hunger but that wasn’t that bad.I walk outside and journal today I took a cold bath today and watched my 600 lb...
I know this a fairly hotly debated topic, as well as one discussed in the past on this sub. However, the most recent post on the subject is several years old and new studies may have been released. On the...
Hello all, So I've hit my 72 hour fasting mark. Only on water / fasting salts. Going for 6-9 days Anywho, last night I woke up with a massive urge to release my bowls. It was watery / diarrhea-like. I looked...
Package has a prop 65 warning. kind of scary but should I be scared. I heard it has that warning because if the natural lead that occurs in the growing process so they have to put the warning on the...
Hi, Height: 178cm Weight: 185 lbs / 83.91 kg Let's assume I stop eating now and I will drink water + salt for the next 3 weeks. How do I calculate my fat loss?
Or is it not necessary? Planning on doing a 10 day dry fast. I’ve heard that you should prepare before a fast by eliminating any waste so that the body doesn’t use any of it. Any foods to eat leading...
First time attempting 30 days. Just weighed in and I'm 10 pounds down! I know some is water weight but I'm pretty excited. I'm not hungry, but I miss eating. It's easy to ignore though, since I'd have to take...
How long can a first timer fast for. I have a lot of extra wight so my fat stores should be able to support an extended fast, but is it bad to do for my first fast? I have 60lbs...
I’m 78 hours in and I have heartburn and I’m craving a cold glass of ice water. I feel weak and I’ve had a migraine for hours
Hey all, I have been doing a 7pm cut off and an 11am start for three weeks now and have lost 19 pounds lol. Lately, I have been moving the window around quite a bit. Usually it is something like -...
Hello. As the tittle says, I binged a lot of junk food for a few days. I am feeling pretty down at this moment in life and quite sure fasting could help me to build self esteem when I finish...
Asking for advice from you good people on meals. (81 year old male, good health, active, BMI 25.7). I've been doing 18/6 for about a year now and am comfortable with it. Trying to eat for my microbiome...
I can understand processed meat but normal steak and stuff, like why is it bad? It seems strange to me because to me it feels like that is what our bodies should be used to after being hunters for several...
Is there something like this? A block of food with all the nutrition that disregard any aspect of the taste.
Frst 7 day dry fast went from 220 to 203. Second 7 day dry/water fast went from 208 (from eating on my 1 day break) to 199lbs but I had reached 203 lbs by the second day so the 208lbs was...
When your autoimmune disorder is triggered by specific foods but you haven't eaten in 5 days so you don't know why the fuck flares are happening! When you're on day 5 of a fast and you gained 2 lbs because of...
So... can anyone explain this to me? I just don't know how the brain/body connection works, and I'm really curious. Until recently, I hadn't eaten a steak in about ten years. Just never really felt like it. I've also never...
I’m interested in doing a seven-day water-only fast. I did one last year and remember getting severely constipated. Does anyone else get constipated during extended fasts? If not, how have you avoided it? What are your secrets? Is it avoidable? I...
Are humans designed to eat meat and is there solid evidence to back up that meat is a carcinogen? It plant based eating actually healthier than Paleo?
Any tips on preparation. Have done many 72 hours even cascade fasting routine. First 7 days. Any tips on preparation. I keep seeing mentions of emptying bowel prior. Is that even possible?
I've noticed that anytime I fast and on a ketogenic diet, a hard stool accompanied with blood comes out with lesser bowel movements. When I went back to an unhealthy diet (sugar and high carbs), I had more frequent bowel...
A lot of people talk about it, but I rarely see any studies linked. I have spent a few hours looking into it and I see a lot of people saying it's a myth, or it doesn't matter, or there's...
Hi all, I impulsively jumped into a 10-day fast (first-time doing any kind of fasting!) 2 days ago. I am now 48 hours in with 0-calorie intake. I am still getting waves of hunger/urge to eat and my mouth tastes much...
Does eating meat when your body has never consumed meat make your body feel like it's a foreign food substance or does nothing. Would meat take longer to digest in a vegetarian's alimentary canal or no? what's the exact biology that...
Right basically when I was still a rebellious teen/early 20s and was a partier I would partake in amphetamines (think its the same thing as whats in aderall in the US) and because I didnt like to 'bomb' it' or...
So I've heard that when you make a smoothie with fruits and vegetables, the fiber is broken down, so the body processes the food much quicker, you get an insulin rush, and so it's not as healthy as just eating...
* **Type** of fast (water, juice, smoking, etc.) * **Context** of fast (start, end, day x of y, etc.) * **Length** of fast (8 hours, 3 days, etc.) * **Why?** What you hope to accomplish with your fast * **Notes** How is it going...
This guy Liver King has been eating 3 ounces of liver everyday, sometimes twice a day as you see in his everyday stories. It is recommended to only eat 3-6 ounces of liver a week. How does he eat that...
Hi, all my family members say that meat is unhealthy even though they all eat meat (some of them everyday). I myself only eat meat 1-2 maybe even 3 times a week and only very rarely red meat/non-lean meat. But...
Does the body process it and store it like sugar? Just curious if it's healthier and what other effects it has that aren't common knowledge. Thanks
This morning is the beginning of day 6 of a fast. I weighed myself at the beginning. I was 284.5 lb. I weighed myself this morning to find that I was 269.2 lb. A loss of 15 lb. In five days. Based...
I'm facing a ton of sleep issues due to fasting. I have done tons of fasts and came to this conclusion. I have been on Keto for 22 months now. Keto and fasting are reasons for poor sleep in my...
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone here for their support. I just ended a 20-day fast today. Started at 285 lbs, down to 253 lbs. (Height 6'1"). My only concern was over electrolytes. I had never gone without food this...
Is the only reason Red Meat is not the best for you is because of the saturated fat found in it? Are there other reasons or if you removed all saturated fat from red meat (somehow if it's even possible)...
I've been permanently bloated for a few years now and I thought to try a 48 hour fast but I noticed 0 difference. I'm thinking maybe I need to fast for a longer period of time. Any thoughts from people who...
We eat food. Our bodies breaks this down to as small as a common denominator with our cells through digestion (chewing, stomach and intestines). Went then absorb 3 main components, sugars, amino acids and fats? Fats are sent through the lymphatic system...
There are some studies that show people should drink 8 glasses of water every day. This question isn't so much about how much water someone should drink but whether it should be spaced out. If someone drinks 8 glasses of...
My wife and I are looking at doing a short juice cleanse at the beginning of the year. Research is confusing, are there any short juice cleanses that are beneficial?
I've been intermittent fasting for 3 months. 20:4 I'm a woman 49yo 5'3" currently 152 lbs lost 26 lbs in those 3 months (beginning weight 178lbs) Before that 16:8 on and off I had blood tests done in May 2022....
I know that added sugar contains no nutritional value and can cause inflamation in your arteries, but is it really that bad if no weight is gained?
Hi all. I completed a 2 week fast from 1/8 to 1/22. I started the fast at about 214 and finished at 191.4. It was my 2nd fast and I was ecstatic about my progress. I made serious life changes as...
I just dont understand what is going on. I was on the carnivore diet (very strictly) for over a month before I started this fast. Im on day 3 right now. When I was on the carnivore, when I used...
I’ve always been told/read that seed oils were fine and to just avoid trans fats. The other day I was reading a cookbook emphasizing oil free recipes. Is this another craze like the coconut oil one or is this something to...
In curious what processes occur in the body as you progress into a dry fast, and then what happens as you reintroduce water. Would love any insight or links to good sources. Many thanks!
I have been contemplating incorporating humanely raised animals products and foods into my vegetarian diet for some time, I was wondering - is it worth it? Edit: What I'm particularly curious about is, the negative effects associated with common red meats,...
I am learning more about the digestive process of protein, and how this process is spread across the digestive tract. I am also learning that there is a limit on how much protein can be absorbed/hour. Is protein coming in...
What is inherently wrong with meats like salami, hams, etc. What in the "processing" process makes them all less desirable than their fresh counterparts. Seems like this is often a recommendation but I've never really understood why it's looked...
Do you eat potatoes regularly?
The package of chia seeds I have at home states that the “maximum daily intake of chia seeds should not exceed 15g per day”. Is there a reason for that? Would it be harmful to eat more than 15g/day?
I believe the recommended amount is once a week or 4x/month but I’m just curious the amount people actually eat.
I have been reading the wiki, and I am still unsure what is necessary for a fast. If you don't mind, can you post your fasting "routine"? Meaning, when are you taking suppliments, how long are you fasting, etc? I...
I know that the human body uses carbohydrates to create energy, but it can also use proteins, and therefore I don't understand if a person can live fine without carbs?
According to [WebMD]( the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the world. There is a lot of overlap between that diet and the broad recommendations of the old food pyramid. Both recommend the bulk of your calories come from fruits,...
There is an increasing body of research concluding that gut microbiome strongly effects a lot of aspects of our bodies – composition, weight, mood, mental clarity, etc. What changes our gut microbiome?
Hello Nutrition Reddit :) What's something about diet and nutrition you wish you knew earlier? I was overweight as a teen and did the worst things (including a tea cleanse lol). Wish I could pass advice to my old self!...
What are your thoughts about it guys? People claim it to cause metabolic disease or even linked it to stuff like ADHD. Is it really that bad? 😳
Welcome to the weekly [r/Nutrition]( feature post for questions related to your personal diet and circumstances. Wondering if you are eating too much of something, not enough of something, or if what you regularly eat has the nutritional content you...
Just wondering about how much water the body uses as a percentage of the water consumed When water is ingested/digested/eaten, do we know the distribution of where water ends up and is used in the body? Do we know what percenteage...
When I go out and buy a burger. Which part of it is unhealthy? I’m trying to learn the basics of what’s good and bad for health. The bread - I guess it’s better if it’s whole grain The meat...
I am a 59 yr old female, post menopausal, with barely controlled Hashimoto’s. A year and a half ago, i went on snake diet and lost 14 pounds my first and only month. I was thrilled. I am 5’5”...
Today I'm on my second day of dry fasting, aiming to 3 days or more if I can. So, the day before I started, I prepared my body with a day of juice fasting and cleansed my colon with an enema...
This guy thinks not: "Consumption of fish, *including smoked fish*, reduces the risk of colon cancer." [](
So I am looking to add more weight on my body. I have had serious autoimmune and still have a ton of health issues. I had my colon removed and have a jpouch. Using good diet, dry fasting and some...
I have a jpouch, which means I don’t have a colon. I lost it due to colitis and I have a lot of gut problems (SIBO, dysbiosis). Anyone have success fasting for their gut, either water or dry? What is...
I’ve done water fasts, colon cleanses and and a series of dry fast that led me to a max 4 Day dry fast hard mode. My question is this; do you count the hours to tally the amount...
Hello, I'd like to open up a conversation on this topic, of which I am very green, so bare with! So from what I'm reading, fiber that isn't broken down in the small intestine then ferments in the large...