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my scales are making me crazy

I have an obsession with my scales. I weigh every single day, sometimes 3 and 4 times in a day and one day will show a good loss and the next day I’ll weigh 5 pounds heavier! Then I get downhearted. I keep thinking if I’m not dropping at least a pound every day then I’m failing. I’ve got to get out of this cycle I’m in. Why am I having such a fluctuation from day to day?

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I saw someone post that they weigh them selves 1x/day but enter the numbers into a spreadsheet. They pay attention to the rolling 7 day average instead of the daily number. That might be helpful to you. Your weight fluctuates due to many factors: salt intake, how much water you drank, whether you are having regular BMs, etc. You definitely shouldn’t we weighing yourself multiple times per day. Try weighing yourself at the same time each day. I weigh about 4lbs more at night than morning sometimes. I recommend weighing yourself when you first wake up, after using the restroom, with no clothes on. Also, i dont think 1 lb/day loss is realistic long term.


Our bodies retain water. It’s a balance sometimes between staying hydrated and to being dehydrated to see weight loss on the scales. Maybe look at another indicator of healthy weight loss such as body fat%. This can sometimes be more accurate in determining if you are losing the right kind of weight. Even waist measurement is an effective method. I would say don’t get too hung up looking at the scales but look at other factors as well, to track progress.


I’m addicted to weighing myself too. I was weighing multiple times a day too. Now I only weigh 1 time a day - at the same time each day. I have a Renpho scale. (To be honest I only let it register to the app if I have a loss). Im losing very very slowly. It makes me crazy. Im now measuring my body. To my surprise- I’m losing inches even though the scale is barely moving! My clothes are fitting better, my wedding band fits again, I’m sleeping better. Look at other ways you’re improving your health.


A popular thing is to weigh in the morning, naked, after going to the bathroom. Enter it into an app like Libra, and watch the trendline. Don’t compare day-to-day unless you eat, drink, move and sleep 100% the same every single day (which, of course, you don’t).


I’d like to encourage you to to stop weighing yourself so often. The scale is a rather limited way to view your progress. You see people posting NSV – non-scale victories. Perhaps you could focus more on those things and less on what the scale reads.


Don’t let it discourage you. Just don’t weight yourself so often. I mean, we’re not machines so some variance is gonna happen. Why not just weigh on the same day once per week and just focus on the trends. If you’re not seeing any decrease or there were some unexpected increase, no worries. You then have a week to make adjustments. Just my 2 pfenigs anyways.

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