I'm new to ADF, going about 40 hours without food and eating high protein on eating days where I workout. Essentially meat, cheese, milk and veggies. Non eating days are water, coffee and LMNT. So far I've had a range of...
I know it's a disgusting matter, but how are feces managed by the body during an extended fast? Is there any chance of them becoming liquid? Or does the body not expell anything? Could I have problems?
I have IBS (primarily runs), and have been on medication (Linzess) for it, but I’ve gone a few days in between #2 bathroom breaks consistently. For my OMAD (4 weeks), I’ve been eating healthy and balanced. On previous diets...
I have been on IF for about a month and for about the last 4 days I have had a bowel movement. I don’t feel bloated and I’m not uncomfortable so I don’t think I’m constipated. I just haven’t had...
Hi All, I’ve been intermittent fasting and every time I have my first and meal break my fast, I notice that an hour later I have to use the restroom. Which is fine, but, my stool is somewhat loose and slightly...
Apologies in advance for the detail. I'm currently doing 21:3 intermittent fasting and my 3-hour eating window is in the evening. But I'm still getting incomplete bowel movements. I would have thought this issue would go away if I'm only...
Obviously the more liquid you put in, the more will come out. But if you’re going to the bathroom 6-7 times a day, is that a sign you’re drinking too much water?
Can someone explain it in more detail? Saw some explain it but not much detail sadly. I think I experienced it recently? Was at 197 for a long time, fasted for ONE day, ate after that and went to the...
Do you advocate for this? **Have you noticed any changes in your bathroom behavior after eating oatmeal?**
I'm about to break a 3 day fast with a big kahuna cheesesteak sub in a tub from jersey mikes. How screwed am I?
Im planning on fasting for 48 hours (currently 20 hours in). I have dinner plans for a neopolitan pizza place tomorrow night — would it be bad to have pizza as the first thing when breaking a fast? I’ve never fasted...
Does anybody have experience of fasting for curing of enlarged prostate or prostatitis?
I know to expect frequent bathroom visits upon refeeding after, say, 5 day fasts - or I guess even 3 day fasts? But I did my first 36ish+ hour fast on Sunday and resumed eating Monday evening, only to be...
I officially fasted 2 days our of 5. I am so hungry... anyone else fasting? Any tips
Not sure I have seen the answer but I understand after prolonged fast if one eats fatty+protein foods one could be running to the bathroom minutes later (it has happened to me). I understand the recommended foods to break a...
Hi everyone! I’m doing 16:8 and I work as a cook in the kitchen but I think I had close to 2.5/3L of water today and my pee doesn’t have a color anymore. Does this mean I drink to much?🤔
I did 60 hours and I wasn't sure if I could continue so I went to work. And, I have noticed that after a long fast -- if I eat anything - about 1 hour after eating -- no matter...
Hello everyone, any tips on what helped you on breaking your fast with Keto? What foods did you eat and how much and when? For how long did you eat smaller amounts or adapt to a normal meal? I’m on...
I'm new to intermittent fasting I've been doing it since Sunday after gaining weight recently. I find it easy enough and gone straight into one meal a day or OMAD as it's called....I usually eat around 2pm quite a decent...
I just started IF last week. I plan to weigh myself once a week. How often do you weigh yourself? When looking at different tracking apps there was one (can’t remember which one)🤷🏼♀️that wanted your weight daily. I’m tracking via the...
What do you do to kill time while fasting and not think about food? I’m 43 hours into my first 60 hour fast (longest was 48 before this) and I keep finding myself starting at the timer, thinking things like...
And how long was the fast? Bonus points for female stories.. I'm on day 2 and could really use the inspiration to keep going, haha. Thanks c:
I am on day 5 of a water fast. I take a multivitamin, omega-3 and magnesium and just today I replenished on some electrolytes. I’ve heard it is extremely important to refeed properly, but I’m not sure how. Does this...
Do I break a 10 day fast at dinner (day 10) or in the morning (day 11)?
I was told by my doctor to use metamucil for constipation and i was wondering if taking it in the morning before going to work breaks my IF.. I fast from 8 pm to 1 pm the next day....
First, congrats to everyone on your progress, I love seeing the photos. But is it just me or does every “after” pic have a super-serious stone face. I think it’s to show off the face gains/jaw line. The before often...
I’ve done water fasting for 7 days before, and I usually go to the bathroom for the first 3 days. But what about dry fasting? I will probably not poop if I don’t drink water. Is it okay? I’m going to...
I'm currently at hour 38. Not feeling hunger, drinking plenty of fluids and also salt water to balance my electrolytes. I had done 3 day fast 3 months ago, and now I want to do it again but this time...
Hey everyone, I’m halfway through day 9 of a dry fast. Could you suggest ideas for cooling the body without putting water on it? So far I’ve really been enjoying the night air and moisture of the ground outside but not sure...
Weeks into a fast and still making actual occasional turds. I've always assumed this is basically from digested GI tract cells as they are sloughed off and replaced. Is this the case or does food really take 3+ weeks to...
I started 20:4 IF two weeks ago. I started at 244.5, then dropped down to 240 and am back up to 243.5. I’m trying to eat 1200-1500 calories/day so I felt like when I was at 240 I was on...
I’ve been doing rolling 72s since January 19th. Today was my third refeed. After my refeeds I’ve been eliminating extremely minimal amounts. I started taking fiber gummies (during my keto refeeds) to help the process but it doesn’t seem to...
Hi Team, I've been doing IF for a while now and found it really is my favorite way to lose weight and feel healthy. My routine for the past 4 months has been essentially OMAD(dinner) but sometimes I'll have a small...
I begun to break my 48 water fasts with a light meal of lean protein, fruit and whole wheat bread and found my digestion to go much more smoothly rather than breaking by eating a whole chicken. Now I wonder, after...
What are you thoughts on doing a salt flush before an extended dry fast of 7+ days? Would it be a good idea? Why or why not ?
Do i need to re-introduce solids slowly after a 60 hour fast or can I go back to eating normally?
As the title says, I've been eating only one meal a day and the (electric) scale shows that I've gained a kilogram. I've noticed that I've been eating maybe two people's worth of food in my meals. Should I change...
Male, 59yo, married, cant tell my present weight. Every time I get on the scales its a different weight. I can weigh 5 times in a ten minute period and I get a different weight. This morning...
I like the 20:4 structure a lot but I started to feel unwell late last night and started to eat salt directly which made me feel better immediately. I was peeing so often I could not sleep and woke up for...
Hi! In my previous post I talked about how I recently did my longest fasts yet. I resumed my normal eating patterns (except that I'm gonna be in ketosis for some days) and starting feeling better. The thing is, even two...
Just hear me out. We all noticed that if we combine certain foods, or if we eat certain stuff like fruits, we tend to visit the bathroom more often. Is there any study or theory that supports doing this as a...
I'm always starving for water and then pissing it out, I'm assuming this is a recipe for disaster if I try to dry fast. Is there a way I can get adapted to less water? Will snake juice help?
Well not technically first time be because I used to 16:8 but will be attempting multiple days, I want to go for 3 days. Anyone have any tips for before I start my fast or for after breaking it? Is...
For those of you who use them, how do you time fiber/prebiotics probiotics, enzymes, vitamins, antacids, etc. with your fast? Also what are your tips and tricks for breaking the fast? (Particularly the ones that keep you out of the...
Hi! So I did a 5 day water fast, and then I got my period, and all bets were off. I had chips and guacamole and some apples to break the fast. It hurt. Then I got...
I'm on about day 3'ish. I just happened to role into this after not eating most of Saturday and all of Sunday. Going to see if I can extend this until Thursday. I'm used to normal IF and got my electrolytes...
Yesterday morning, last day of 3 day fast, I weighed 256.6. Did my refeed that evening (no calorie counting, pasta, pork, pizza, etc.). Weighed myself this morning and I’m down to 252.4? Not complaining but I guess I just expected...
So I’m trying to not discouraged because my skin is glowing, good workout, good energy and feeling strong However the scare was down yesterday but today it’s back up and I didn’t eat anything. It had to be water. I did...
Been doing 18:6 since Saturday and I've had no trouble except the last two days. Read on here that fasting salts are good so yesterday I took adrenal cocktail (vitamin c, sodium, and potassium). Within 30 minutes I felt faint...
I’ve done IF in the past but never went full on. This time I decided no cheating, and I’m combining 16:8 with calorie counting (1300 a day or less) and 3-4 high intensity 2-4 mile walks a week. I’m Drinking water...
I’ve been doing 24 to 26 hour fasts for about 2 weeks, I just reached 51 hours and I want to eat! Can I have some steak with broccoli, kale and avocado? I really need advice, I know it isn’t...
So if the recommended is 5x veg 2x fruit. Can I for example do 10x veg and 4x fruit on one day and none on another?
So I’m doing a 5 day fast and I saw a new flavor of coke. So I grabbed what I thought was a zero, but I must have grabbed the one next to it. I drank half before I realized....
Basically, just like the title says. For context, when I stuck to fasting back in pre-covid days, I had my job where I could just use physical labor and the lack of human interaction to power through. Now? Don't really...
Hi, just started! 16:8, 45F, SW:330. How do I know how many calories I can have in my fasting window for maximizing weight loss without being unhealthy?
Just increased from 2 to 3 (with electrolytes) and saw a very noticeable difference in my well being. Just thought I could tell others, in case it helps them as well. :) Used to have slight nausea/headache/feeling slightly weak during my...
How do you guys get around "hunger pains" doing a longer fast. Im trying to do a 48 hour fast and I have 29 hours to go.
i am on a very low budget unfortunately, but i need to do IF because it just make me feel so much better. But i can't figure out a good diet plan and cant afford to see a nutritionist ,...
I am having a terrible time fasting lately because by about 24 hours in.. I have terrible gas... so much that I have back pain. Anyone know why and how to avoid? I am trying to do a 72 hour...
Ever since I started fasting, I consistently feel cold throughout the day. I used to be a warm body type of person. Recently I find myself turning on the heater a lot in my car lately. Has anyone experienced this...
I'm very new to fasting. I've tried intermittent fasting this week but I want to go a full 5 days. I struggle with adhd and I eat constantly because I need the stimulation otherwise I get anxious. This week however,...
I understand that too many carbs (especially sugary snacks like sweets and doughnuts) are horrendously unhealthy. What I’d like to know is if there is any evidence that breaking a 36 hour fast with bread is so bad? Especially relatively...
how exactly do you stay hydrated? im doing 23:1 i don’t really have an issue with the hunger but i can’t understand how to properly do it. what are you buying are they liquids or powders?
Just to follow on from my post yesterday, linked at the bottom (I couldn't work out how to edit the original title, only the text content...) I made it to 39 hours and could have gone longer but decided I don't...
I’ve always loved IF, whether it be 2 day fasts, omad, 18:6…. But since becoming a father I have not had any self control whatsoever… Longest I’ve managed to keep up IF in the last 3 years was a mere 4...
Some wise words from a friend of mine from back earlier this month when I started my weight loss journey with fasting: "Why weigh yourself? Throw your *expensive* scale out the window and don't look back! You are going to lose...
(F41/SW310/CW290/GW175) In general i have been eating keto-ish for a while now. In mid January I did a 90hour+fast. . .basically dinner on Sunday until dinner on Thursday. The next week I did the same. It was hard, but fine. ....
I’m a college student and I’ve been wanting to try IF for a while, but I always get tired when I don’t eat for extended periods of time. My academic success is important to me, so I’m worried that if...
I work a pretty much steady desk job. By that I mean I’m stuck in front of my screen for 10 hours a day. Some of the day I’m busy but most of it I’m pretty bored or tired of...
So I have a scale that shows my body water percentage, bmi,body fat,etc. I’ve noticed my body water went up, my overall weight went down a pound. My BMI and body fat went down as well but by like 0.2-0.5%....
So this is my first time going beyond 72 hours. Family birthday brunch and walk through a nature reserve is coming up on Wednesday. I'm planning to break the fast on Monday evening (to make it to the full 192...
Any tips on preparation. Have done many 72 hours even cascade fasting routine. First 7 days. Any tips on preparation. I keep seeing mentions of emptying bowel prior. Is that even possible?
I don't eat breakfast for the last month or two but was wondering if I should make an exception on a hike to have more energy? Thanks for your opinions!
How often do you weigh? Do you weigh more often (daily) for the knowledge? Do you do it weekly to get an average? Do you avoid the scale to avoid bad new that might discourage you? I find it mostly psychological, but knowing that,...
Anyone seeing any major difference between hard and soft dry fasts? Also what has been your longest you’ve dry fasted and what was you weight loss?
Hey everyone, So, spiro is a potassium sparing diuretic but I was wondering if your body sort of adapts to this? If you’ve been on it for a while, does the diuretic effect lessen? Would a persons weight reflect their muscle...
So I used to fast in the past and lost 100 pounds in 6 months and recently started fasting again February 1st Went from 340 to 330 in 2 days but since February 5 I’ve been fluctuating between 335 and...
Hi All, Last week I fasted for 96 hours (Mon-Thur) and then I broke the fast. I then faster for 36 hours. In total I lost 7 lbs but gained 2lbs during my refeeding. This week I wanted to do another 96...
This happens quite often! It’s something that potentially can trip me up during my weight loss journey. I’ll be 30 hours deep into a fast, and then I’ll be offered some food. My roommate might offer to cook me breakfast, or...
Hey all, I noticed a significant drop in my heart rate since I started IF 2 weeks ago. In rest it went from average 73 BPM to now an average 52 BPM. On the one hand I am happy, I feel much...
hi everyone. I'm going into my first extended fast. I've fasted for 16h before and felt fine as long as I'm busy. After reading the main threads and doing some research I'll be taking electrolytes and it will be as follow. 4g of Baking...
I’m looking to do some extended fasts of 3 or 5 days but I am also wanting to exercise regularly. My goal is to lose a significant amount of weight but I also don’t want to overdue it with fasting/exercising....
The first time I fasted, I did 7 days. During the fast, I struggled with drinking the salt/potassium/ magnesium combo. It also helped that I wasn't active. A couple of days ago, I started rolling 72s. This time around I'm...
I have done 4-6 days fasts in the past and broken sometimes with an unhealthy amount of junk food, not the best I know but I’ve never had any issues and often do IF and Keto and keep in generally...
Seriously? I get so bored whenever i try to fast, which results me into eating everything on site What are activites you do to occupy your mind to distract you from food?
I've been using my Fitbit for about 6 years now, going through about 2-3 different models. On days that I just kinda laze around the house (napping, watching TV, extremely sedentary), I only burn \~1400-1450 cals. I've been using this...
Hey! So I have. Some questions about low calorie/fasting So I just finished a 36 hour fast, I broke it with an avacado and sardines. In the days after I have been eating OMAD( Keto) , or two small meals within a...
Hello all this is my first post here so for the record: 43/m, 6'1" SW 240, GW 185, CW 236.4. I've only been fasting for a few days 16:8, but was counting calories for a monthish before I found IF. Since I...
Hello all! So i have a quick question i am 5'1 and weigh 180lbs i was 200lbs but lost 20lbs recently. My goal is 135/140lbs. I decided to start fasting so as of right now i fast for 24 hours and...
I'm on 48 hours of water fasting intending to get to 10 days, but I'm freaking out. I'm literally imagining myself eating lasagne, pizza, roast meat….. tell me it gets better please.
im fairly new to the whole fasting ordeal, i usually do 16/8, but i decided to challenge myself by fasting for 39 hours. i had my first meal, which was pretty light, just an apple and a chicken salad bowl....
Just finished a 7 day fast and now I've started the referring process. I'm doing Two days of liquids, then I'm going to start actual foods on the 3rd day. Staying strictly Keto. Here's my plan: First 48 hrs I'll be drinking...
I have been struggling with my first meal of the day after gallbladder surgery, which I’ve heard is a common problem. I usually have diarrhea within 15m-1 hour after eating. What tips do you gallbladder-less folks all have for preventing diarrhea...
Without supplements.