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New to fasting :) does this schedule work?

Hi everyone :)

I’ve been reading so many posts for the past 2 weeks and have finally decided to try this thing out! (sorry if my english isn’t the best)

I’m a 25 yo female, 5’5 and I weigh 146 lbs

I’ve struggled with my weight for quite some time now. I feel super unfit and have a huuge amount of belly fat, bloated face and water in my upper legs. I just overall feel horrible in my body and really wanna change some things.

Since I work different shifts everyday, I’ve come up with this schedule for myself and would really love to hear some opinions on it :)

Monday eating window: 11-3

Tuesday eating window: 12-18

Wednesday eating window: 11-3

Thursday eating window: 12-20

Friday eating window: 12-20

saturday and sunday I just start eating whenever I feel like :)

What do you guys think about this? I also plan on doing 20 mins of light yoga everyday and because of my work i get almost 10k steps in everyday (otherwise it’s not a physically demanding job)

I don’t wanna start out on 16:8, since I’ve tried that before and now I really just wanna finally change up some things and finally loose those fucking pounds. my goal weight is around 115 pounds.

I’m soo sick and tired of feeling that way, and being ashamed of my body.

I would love to get some feedback on my schedule and maybe also some motivation :)

thank you all so much and I hope you have a wonderful week :)

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So, you are technically in a healthy weight range for your height. If you don’t like your body composition I’d focus on weight training and maybe do 18:6 if you want to get closer to the middle of the healthy weight range— but I wouldn’t move the range around like you are. Just my 2 cents.

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