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Not loosing weight anymore on OMAD. Suggestions?

I started doing OMAD in Oct 2019. I was 155lbs at 5’4” and 26F. I’d tried a lot of things to loose weight and couldn’t. I figured OMAD would be just another failure, but over the next year I lost 30lbs. And it was SO easy. I mean yes, I was hungry and had to be disciplined about only eating my one meal… but that was all the thought I ever had to put into it. I never had to count calories or meal prep or be super strict about making sure I absolutely had enough time to get to the gym 4 times a week. And somehow the lbs were just melting off. I looked good and felt great.

For 2021 I did a more relaxed OMAD style diet. Most days were OMAD, but I let myself break from that here and there and still very easily maintained my 125-130lbs. I was very happy, felt great and looked good.

This year in 2022, I really eased up. My diet became rarely OMAD with the norm being IF with a window of 12-9pm. I’ve slowly crept up to regularly being in the 135-140lb range. Which is still a healthy weight, I understand But I’m not happy with the way I look and I don’t feel good. There are areas when I look in the mirror that I can see cellulite, especially in the tummy area. 10 lbs makes a huge difference!!! So I jumped back on the OMAD track again the last few months…but it doesn’t seem to be working like before. I feel eternally stuck at 137.0. Even if I eat one super clean meal and get a great workout everyday that week… the scale won’t budge. In fact for the last 5 days, I decided to weigh myself every morning to see if there’s at least a fluctuation and I’ve rang in at exactly 137.0 everyday. How is that even possible? I’m not counting calories but there is just no way my one meal is perfectly the amount of calories I’d need for a day with the workouts I’ve been doing (an example of a few meals this week: stuffed peppers & one peer, Turkey Sandwich & Greek Yogurt with nuts, Stew & ONE dinner roll).

I’m loosing hope and faith in the system. Has anyone experienced OMAD not working anymore after a few years?

I can think of a few things that might be making a difference.

  1. Before I actually worked out LESS. When the weight started melting off I dropped to only cardio like 2 times a week. This time around I’m with a guy who LOVES to bike. So I’m getting heavy cardio on the Peloton usually 4 times a week with him. Also, I’ve developed neck and back pain. So if I don’t do my albeit light weight (8lb) exercises at least every 3 days I’m in pain. So I stick to that pretty well. I never did much strength training before.

  2. I’m just older now :(

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Things to try:


Longer fasts or even varying the time of your OMAD, say breakfast/lunch or lunch/dinner so that every other day you are getting a 32 hour fast.

Both of the above are a great strategy.


Check any meds to see if they impact insulin or glucose (Google). Common ones that do include bp meds, bcp, allergy meds including Flonase, mood or anxiety meds, steriods, etc. Manage sleep and stress, cortisol increases insulin.

It is possible to gain weight on OMAD, if your weight is stable, what you are doing is maintenance. Lowering carbs will also lower inflammation and may help your pain conditions.


When I lost 30 kilograms. I ate a large bowl of steamed green vegetables each day. They are highly nutritious, high in fiber, have basicly no fat and are extremely low in calories. The thing is they fill you up stop cravings and help your body. You can eat a great deal of them and as long as your exercising mildly. Your not going to put weight on. Coupled with that I ate large wholesome salads with pickles olives mushrooms a bit of cheese and normal or smaller lean choices for dinner. With oats and fruit for breakfast.

And one day per week normally Friday I eat pizza or a reward food.

Fasting is a great way to get in control but if your not getting the nutrition and fiber it’s not a good long term health plan in my view.

Thats just my advice. Good luck.


I reckon you’re working out too much, heavy stuff only twice a week (if that), rest should be just walking, putting in the steps nothing more.

Weight lifting always keeps me on hold for that day, 5 days a week? yeah you’ll just hold right there.

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